Sustainable Water Infrastructure Contacts
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Water Loss Control
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Webinar Presentation - Water Loss Control: Tools, Policies and Successful Programs (PDF)
(90 pp, 16M, About PDF)

Control and Mitigation of Drinking Water Losses in Distribution Systems (PDF) (176 pp, 2.8M, About PDF)
Water Loss Control Webcast - 2014
Water Loss Control: Tools, Policies, and Successful Programs
Effective water loss control programs will reduce real (i.e., leaks) and apparent losses (i.e., improperly metered consumption). Controlling loss can increase revenue and water supply, an especially effective strategy during times of drought and economic uncertainty. This webcast brought together plant operators, utility management, engineering consultants, project developers, regulators, and academics interested in learning about tools to manage water loss, policies to facilitate program adoption, and successful case studies.
- Learn about free water loss control tools
- Get the latest on water loss control policies and practices from the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)
- Hear about the successful water loss control programs of two utilities: the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) in California and the Water and Wastewater Authority of Wilson County (WWAWC) in Tennessee.
- Download the Webinar Presentation - Water Loss Control: Tools, Policies and Successful Programs (PDF) (90 pp, 16M)
- Watch the October 2014 Webinar
- Veronica Blette (EPA WaterSense program) - Welcoming Remarks
- Kate Gasner (Water System Optimization) – Water loss control management tools
- Danielle Gallet (CNT) – Improved water loss control policies and practices
- Penny Falcon (LADWP) – Water loss control efforts of a large urban system in CA
- Chris Leauber (WWAWC) – Water loss control efforts of rural system in TN