Sustainable Water Infrastructure Contacts
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Water & Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Facilities
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Step 1: Benchmark Your Energy Use

How does my energy use compare?
Did you know that you can track and assess energy and water consumption across your wastewater treatment facility in a secure online environment for free? Energy Star's Portfolio Manager is a simple tool to assist you in making smarter energy choices. All you need to begin is basic information about your facility, including energy and operational data such as total annual electricity, total annual fuel oil, average influent flow, average influent and effluent biological oxygen demand, plant design flow rate, presence of nutrient removal and so forth. By entering this information about your facility, you can use Energy Star's Portfolio Manager to track key energy consumption, performance, and cost information portfolio-wide, and identify opportunities for efficiency. The online program gives your facility's energy performance rated on a scale of 1-100 relative to similar facilities nationwide. A rating of 50 indicates that your wastewater treatment plant, from an energy consumption standpoint, performs better than 50% of all similar plants nationwide, while a rating of 75 indicates that the building performs better than 75% of all similar facilities nationwide.
For more information or to begin benchmarking your facility now, go to Energy Star Portfolio Manager Overview. EPA is also scheduling free Energy Star training classes to benchmark your facility.