Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Pollution Prevention
P2 Resources for Business and Government
There are a wealth of resources for businesses and government agencies seeking Pollution Prevention solutions for environmental problems.
EPA Region 9 Websites and Publications
- National EPA P2 Website
Includes EPA programs, national organizations, state programs, advisory groups, and more. - Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Promotes education, public awareness, and accessibility to Alternative Fuel Vehicles. - Auto Repair
& Fleet Maintenance
Provides complete environmental, technical and economic evaluations of the top Pollution Prevention "fixes" for auto repair and fleet maintenance operations. - Environmental Management Systems
Explores the potential of environmental management systems (EMSs) to protect the environment and contribute to economic growth, utilizing pilot projects in various industries and small businesses. - Pollution Prevention for Garment Manufacturing (PDF) (92 pp, 1.4M, About PDF)
The Green Garments Guidebook is designed to help garment manufacturers in Saipan and neighboring islands to improve their competitiveness and environmental performance by identifying best management practices (BMP) that conserve water and energy, use less-toxic chemicals, and minimize waste. - Managing Graffiti the "Green" Way
A demonstration of a series of new graffiti removers safe for the environment and worker health, at Agua Vista Park in San Francisco, Calif. - Green Building for Healthcare
Region 9's Hospital Pollution Prevention work includes developing tools and resources such as posters and fact sheets, working on waste reduction with State, Tribal, local and non-government organizations (NGO) partners and supporting hospital training and Pollution Prevention assessments. - Janitorial Pollution Prevention
Project (PDF) (39 pp, 130K)
Final Report from an EPA-sponsored pilot project evaluating pollution prevention for small contractors and individual custodians working in the janitorial industry in Richmond, CA. - Metal Finishing
Implements and tests P2 techniques and technologies, documents and transfers findings to other metal finishing facilities via fact sheets, workshops, and videotapes. - Tribal Solid Waste and Pollution Prevention Program (PDF) -- (brochure 2pp, 65K)
Encourages municipal solid waste management practices in Indian country that protect human health and the environment. - Healthcare Pollution Prevention
Region 9's Hospital Pollution Prevention work includes developing tools and resources such as posters and fact sheets, working on waste reduction with State, Tribal, local and non-government organizations (NGO) partners and supporting hospital training and Pollution Prevention assessments. - Bibliography
List of P2 resources available in EPA Region 9 Library.
Non-EPA Websites

- National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Facilitates dissemination of the most current data on Pollution Prevention policy developments, practices and resources. - Western Regional P2 Network (P2 West)
This network assists and supports all Pollution Prevention Service Providers from the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and the U.S. Territories of Guam and American Samoa. - Bay Area Green Business Program
Sponsored by the Association of Bay Area Governments. A voluntary partnership of government agencies, professional associations, utilities, businesses and a concerned public. Assists businesses for compliance with environmental regulations, conservation of energy, water and other resources, and reduction of pollution and waste.