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When in Drought (or not)

Flo landscaping

Whether it's the dog days of summer or a full-blown drought in your area, the summer's warmer weather has people thinking about how much water they use, especially outdoors. Outdoor water use in some areas rises to as much as 70% of total household water use in the summertime. Why not take this opportunity to consider a landscape makeover?

To give you a little inspiration, WaterSense is hosting a #WaterSavingYard Photo Challenge, with a special emphasis showcasing just how beautiful and diverse a water-efficient low-water-using landscapes can be! Photos were collected from July 16th–August 27th and now the votes are in. Check back in once we announce the winners!

Looking for more information on how to save water during droughts? Check out our Drought page. You can also check out the WaterSenses Photo Gallery for great ideas to makeover your yard.