Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Protecting Drinking Water
Colorado River Resort Pays $55,076 Penalty for Underground Storage Tank Law Violations

Cleanup Effort at Lost Lake
When inspectors found evidence of a possible petroleum release at Lost Lake Resort, EPA asked the owner to investigate the area around the UST. Results from the initial investigation showed contamination.
The owner is currently conducting a cleanup. EPA and the Colorado River Indian Tribes’ Environmental Protection Office are overseeing cleanup work to ensure that all activities and decisions are protective of public health and the environment.
Below is a chronology of steps that Lost Lake either completed or will complete to clean up the contamination. This assessment and cleanup process is typical for UST sites where petroleum has leaked.
- Completed Phase I Site Assessment
The Phase I Site Assessment is the initial site investigation designed to discover pollution in the environment. The Phase I results confirmed that gasoline is present in the soil and the groundwater at the site.
- Completed Phase II Site Assessment
The Phase II Site Assessment maps out how far the gasoline spread from the source of the release, both horizontally and vertically. This information helps determine the best way to clean up contamination.
Completed an exposure assessment to determine risks to environment and nearby residents
Gasoline contains known carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) and other chemicals that are harmful to human health and the environment. This assessment identifies pathways through which the contamination may reach potential receptors. For example, it will look at the possibility of pollution reaching drinking water wells.
The results of the exposure assessment, combined with information about the extent of the release gathered in the Phase II Site Assessment, will be used to determine cleanup steps and other actions to prevent the contamination from harming receptors.
Next steps in cleaning up the contamination will be as follows:
- Develop a Corrective Action Plan and submit for review and approval by EPA
The Corrective Action Plan uses all the information in previous steps to outline the most effective and efficient cleanup steps.
- Implement the Corrective Action Plan with EPA oversight
As the cleanup proceeds according to the steps listed in the Corrective Action Plan, EPA will approve each major step and request additional work as necessary. EPA will be working with Colorado River Indian Tribes’ Environmental Protection Office to make sure that contamination is cleaned up to levels that do not pose a risk to public health and the environment.