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Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Pacific Islands Waste Programs

State & Local Partnerships Quick Finder
Waste Partners Home California Pacific Islands
Arizona Nevada Hawaii

Hazardous Waste

Guam Environmental Protection Agency
(671) 472-8863

Municipal Solid Waste

Other than Hawaii, none of the Pacific Islands subject to U.S. law have received Subtitle D program approval from EPA for solid waste management. Guam is in the process of working toward program approval.

EPA Contacts for the Pacific Islands

American Samoa
Carl Goldstein (
Cross Media Division
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St. (CMD-1)
San Francisco, CA  94105
(415) 972-3767
Fax: (415) 947-3560

Ben Machol (
Cross Media Division
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St. (CMD-1)
San Francisco, CA  94105
(415) 972-3770
Fax: (415) 947-3562

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Pat Young (
Cross Media Division
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St. (CMD-1)
San Francisco, CA  94105
(415) 972-3775
Fax: (415) 947-3579

Solid Waste Program
Caleb Shaffer (
Waste Management Division
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St. (WST-7)
San Francisco, CA  94105
(415) 972-3336
Fax: (415) 947-3530

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