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Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Solid Waste Programs

EPA has launched several national programs to increase waste prevention, reuse, and recycling by industry and the public. These programs offer a variety of tools such as: publications, training, software, and some funding. 

In addition to our waste prevention efforts, we manage the landfill regulatory program, the framework of which is described in Laws and Regulations, with state-specific details captured in Region 9 State Programs.

Climate Change and Waste

Did you know that reducing waste and recycling can help slow global warming? An overabundance of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) in the atmosphere raises global temperatures and threatens to disrupt climates vital to diverse ecosystems. Waste prevention, reuse, and recycling can decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by diverting waste from landfills and incinerators. Also, goods made with recycled materials typically require less energy to produce than goods made from virgin materials. This benefits our climate because less greenhouse gases are emitted during manufacturing.

Projects in Region 9

EPA's Climate Change and Waste Web site

Jobs Through Recycling

The goal of the Jobs Through Recycling Program (JTR) program is to build an infrastructure to foster recycling/reuse businesses that increase the use of recyclable or reusable materials and contribute to job creation and economic development. The JTR program brings together the economic development and recycling communities through grants, networking, and information sharing. JTR builds recycling expertise within economic development agencies and places business development tools -- technical assistance, financing, and marketing -- in the hands of recycling professionals.

Projects in Region 9

EPA's JTR Web site

Pay As You Throw

Pay-As-You-Throw (or unit pricing/variable-rate pricing) is a system where households pay for garbage collection by the amount of trash collected rather than a flat fee. Households save money by throwing away less garbage and recycling. EPA has developed a PAYT toolkit, fact sheets, lessons learned, and success stories to assist more communities in implementing PAYT programs.

Projects in Region 9

EPA's PAYT Web site


WasteWise is a voluntary program set up to help businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations save money by reducing their garbage. Organizations join the program for a three year period and set goals in three areas: waste prevention, recyclables collection, and the purchase or manufacture of recycled products. Join WasteWise and cut your organizations costs and waste by learning about the successful efforts of others in the vast network of WasteWise partners and resources. Joining the program costs nothing. Public recognition is awarded to those companies who are most successful in meeting waste reduction goals.

Partners in Region 9

EPA's WasteWise Web site

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