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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Cleanup

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Storage and Disposal

On this page:

The storage and disposal regulations of TSCA (40 CFR 761.50 - .79) require specific approaches for PCB waste cleanup, storage location and duration, landfill and incineration disposal, and decontamination and recycling. Additional information about PCB waste options is provided in the Interpretive Guidance.

Permitted Storage Facilities in Region 9

Permitted Disposal Facilities in Region 9

Permits for Storage Facilities

Earth Protection Services, Inc., Phoenix AZ

This facility has undergone full closure.

Lighting Resources, Inc., Phoenix AZ

EPA's proposed permit decision to allow Lighting Resources, Inc. to commercially store PCB wastes and decontaminate PCB-containing lighting ballasts

Community Involvement and Environmental Justice

EPA is supporting national Environmental Justice (EJ) goals by inviting communities to provide input during the permit application review process. To support early engagement of permittees and overburdened communities, EPA's Pacific Southwest office has developed an Environmental Justice and Permitting Implementation Plan which the Pacific Southwest regional office will follow in processing EPA RCRA and TSCA permit applications. In addition, EPA has developed a community engagement guide for potential permitees, entitled Promising Practices for Permit Applicants Seeking EPA-Issued Permits: Ways to Engage Neighboring Communities. Please see the Environmental Justice and Permitting webpage for further information.

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