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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Water Division

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Wetlands of the Pacific Southwest

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FY 2011 Wetland Program Development Grants Awards

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For additional information on these and other Wetland Program Development Grants, please also see EPA's Wetland Grants Database.

Aquatic Science Center – Science and Policy Development Support for the California Wetland Area Protection Policy

The Aquatic Science Center will provide science and policy support to the development of the Wetland Area Protection Policy for California, through technical assistance to the State for:  establishing statewide beneficial uses to protect wetland-related functions, developing a stream definition for regulatory use, and coordinating between regional and statewide policy development. 

Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Finalizing a Nevada Wetland Program Plan and Assessing Biotic Integrity of the State's Priority Wetlands: Isolated Great Basin and Mojave Desert Springs

The Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  will assess springs in arid settings for water quality and biological factors.  Data will be used to build a model, understand reference conditions, and determine the usefulness of a standard method for monitoring spring ecosystems.  The applicant will use this information to develop a Wetland Program Plan for the Nevada Natural Heritage Program.

Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe - Refining methods for Improving Wetland Protection Efforts at Pyramid Lake

The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe will refine wetland macroinvertebrate monitoring procedures, evaluate and refine the rest of the wetland monitoring protocols and improve integration with watershed planning on the Pyramid Lake Reservation.

Robinson Rancheria – Wetland Assessment and Wetland Program Plan Development

The Robinson Rancheria will monitor wetland plant and macroinvertebrates to increase their understanding of the biological condition of their wetlands.  Using this information, the applicant will produce a Wetland Program Plan to outline the future development of their wetland protection program. 

Santa Monica Bay Restoration Authority - Application and Assessment of USEPA Three-Tiered Monitoring Strategy to Southern

The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Authority will develop standard protocols for Level 3 wetlands monitoring (intensive monitoring), especially for restoration projects at southern California coastal wetlands.  The results will be used to improve wetland planning and restoration methods and improve wetland ecosystem function and health. 

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project - Improving Assessment tools for Episodic and Non-Perennial Streams in California

The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project will develop an assessment framework for episodic and non-perennial streams in California.  This will be used to further develop the California wetland program, as there is presently a lack of appropriate assessment tools for monitoring these streams that do not have constant flow. 

University of Hawaii - Use of Coral Reef Monitoring and Biocriteria as Tools for Environmental Assessment in Hawaii

The University of Hawaii will evaluate and refine the Coral Reef Health and Watershed Health Index of Biological Indicators (IBI) in conjunction with an update of the Hawaii Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) data.

Yurok Tribe - Bioassessments and Expansion of Wetland Inventory

The Yurok Tribe will begin macroinvertebrate bioassessments for the Klamath River Estuary, where wetlands were previously assessed using California Rapid Assessment Methodology.  In addition, the Yurok Tribe will extend wetland assessments beyond the estuary to cover all of the Yurok Reservation lands.  The information will be used to develop the Yurok Tribe’s wetland program. 

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