Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Grants, Loans and Other Resources

National Links
Protecting and restoring the waters of the region is a responsibility we share with our state, tribal, territorial and local partners, who are delegated authority to implement many federal water programs. In protecting and restoring our water supplies and resources, we act as a steward of several funding sources.
Currently, we administer and manage about 600 water quality program and project grants to states, Tribes and local governments and provide oversight for over $300 million in federal financial assistance each year. For example, the CWA State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) is an innovative infrastructure construction financing tool available to states and territories for a range of water quality and environmental improvement projects.
Funding Resources
Funded Projects
FY 2004 Water Quality Cooperative Agreements Awards
US EPA Region 9 received 34 pre-proposals in response to its Request for Proposals (RFP) published December 8, 2003. Pre-proposals received by the Feb. 8, 2004 deadline were reviewed by a selection committee using the criteria outlined in the RFP. The following nine proposals were selected for funding:
Lake Mary Region Mercury TMDLs, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, $150,000
- Develop 4 mercury TMDLs in the Lake Mary Region near Flagstaff, AZ
- Fish tissue sampling and analysis
- Source identification study
- Surface water and sediment sampling
- Characterization of metals deposition
- Develop model for load allocations and TMDL
- Communicate with stakeholders on process and results
Los Angeles River Watershed Stakeholder-Led TMDL Development and Water Quality Standard (WQS) Studies, City of Los Angeles (CA), $150,000
- Metals allocation and implementation scheme for TMDL report (copper, lead, zinc, selenium, cadmium)
- Site Specific Objectives (SSO) Report, Basin Plan Amendment supporting documentation, and implementation plan for final TMDL
- TMDL development and WQS Studies for coliform, organics, and oils
- SSO Report for bioaccumulative pollutants
- Oils, organics and pesticides monitoring
- Facilitated collaborative stakeholder process
Framework for Salinity Load and Flow Control Program and Salinity Water Quality Standards (WQS) Evaluation in the San Joaquin River, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CA), $150,000
- Develop WQS for salt and boron upstream of Vernalis, CA
- Load reduction assessment
- Flow change assessment
- Framework for combined load and flow control program
- WQS assessment
- Communication strategy that includes public workshops and meetings
Completion of Pajaro River, San Benito River, Llagas Creek, and Rider Creek Sediment TMDL, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CA), $70,000
- Develop sediment TMDL for 4 waterbodies in the Pajaro River Watershed
- Develop TMDL Implementation Plans
- Outreach and knowledge transfer to peers
TMDL for VOC in the New River, Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board, (CA), $150,000
- Develop volatile organic compounds TMDL for the New River at the Mexico border
- Develop TMDL implementation plan
- Data gap assessment
- Pollutant source and linkage analyses
- Economic analysis
Establishing TMDLs to address wet weather flow impacts, pathogens and NPDES program strategies in a priority urban watershed - Kaelepulu, Hawaii Department of Health, Environmental Planning Office, $150,000
- Develop TMDLs in the Kaelepulu Stream system
- Cooperative stakeholder scoping process
- Monitor and assess water quality
- Compile and analyze historic data and review past efforts
- Sampling and analysis plan
- Watershed and dynamic estuary modeling to quantify pollutant transport regimes and allocation of pollutant load reductions
Muddy River TMDL - Boron, Iron, Temperature, Phosphorus, Nevada Department of Environmental Protection, $141,788
- Develop TMDLs for 6 waterbody/pollutant combinations addressing boron, iron, temperature and phosphorus in the Muddy River
- Source and target analyses
- Pollutant load capacity and allocation identification
Walker Lake TMDL, Nevada Department of Environmental Protection, $35,354
- Develop TMDL for total dissolved solids for Walker Lake, a terminal fresh water body
- Source and target analyses
- Pollutant load capacity allocation identification
TMDL for Toxics in Marina del Rey Harbor Back Basins, RWQCB, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (CA), $150,000
- Develop TDML for toxics (copper, lead, zinc, DDT, dieldrin, chlordane, PCBs, toxicity)
- Transferable approach to other watersheds
- Source characterization and linkage analysis
- Waste load allocation and load allocation implementation plan
- Compliance monitoring program
- Public outreach