Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Grants, Loans and Other Resources

National Links
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State Revolving Funds
On this page:
- Clean Water Act State Revolving Loan Fund
- Regional Success Stories
- Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Loan Fund
- Notices
- Tribal Grants
- Contact Information
Clean Water Act (CWA) State Revolving Loan Fund
The 1987 CWA Amendments created the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to replace Construction Grants program. The CWSRF is a loan program that provides low-cost financing to eligible entities within state and tribal lands for water quality projects including:
- all types of nonpoint source
- watershed protection or restoration
- estuary management projects
- more traditional municipal wastewater treatment projects
Under the CWSRF program, EPA Region 9 provides grants to the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada to capitalize individual state CWSRFs. The programs are managed by the states, and loans or other types of assistance for projects are distributed according to each state’s program and priorities. Every year Congress appropriates funds that EPA distributes among the states. See the Annual Allotments list for a detailed breakdown of state-by-state funding.
Visit EPA's CWSRF Web site, or contact our Region 9 CWSRF Program Manager, Susan Polanco ( at (808) 541-2722.
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) State Revolving Loan Fund
The 1996 SDWA Amendments created the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The DWSRF is a loan program that provides low-cost financing to eligible entities within the state and tribal lands for public and private water systems infrastructure projects needed to achieve or to maintain compliance with SDWA requirements and to protect public health. Small water systems and disadvantaged communities are given higher funding priority.
Under the DWSRF program, EPA Region 9 provides grants to the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada to capitalize individual state DWSRFs. The program is managed by the states, and loans or other types of assistance for drinking water projects are distributed according to each state’s program and priorities. Every year Congress appropriates funds which EPA distributes among the states. States have the flexibility to set aside a portion of their capitalization grant to fund SDWA programs such as the Public Water System Supervision, Source Water Protection (including loans for land acquisition and conservation easements), capacity development and wellhead protection.
- Notice of Non-Compliance to Hawai'i Department of Health, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program (PDF) (12 pp, 266K)
Related Documents - Approval of California Department of Public Health July 2013 Corrective Action Plan (PDF) (12 pp, 4.7M)
- Notice of Non-Compliance to the California Department of Public Health (PDF) (8 pp, 3.6M)
Related Documents
Visit the EPA DWSRF website or contact our DWSRF Region 9 Program Manager, Juanita Licata ( at (415) 972-3450.