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Pacific Southwest, Region 9

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2007 Wetlands Development Grants Awards Projects

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Hoopa Valley Tribal Council – Hoopa Tribal Environmental Protection Agency FY 07-08 Wetlands Program Development.

The goal of this project is to initiate protection of wetlands by establishing general baseline condition and reference conditions by conducting a wetlands inventory, performing rapid assessments, conducting wetland classification and carrying out intensive site assessments. Results from this project which will be completed over two years will build capacity to reach the long term goal of developing water quality standards and protecting their associated beneficial uses.

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project – Demonstration of the Effectiveness of a Multi-Species Fish Gene Microarray as a Rapid Water Quality Indicator in Wetlands.

The State’s ability to measure and manage wetland condition is limited by the inability to rapidly assess for contaminant effects. The goal of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a multi-species gene microarray as a rapid assessment tool for wetland monitoring. The microarray will be applied to fish collected at three different wetlands. The results will be compared to the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) assessments and to intensive assessment indicators.

The proposed project will accomplish wetland protection and enhancement through further wetland monitoring and assessment utilizing wetland mapping and GIS, refinement of wetland regulations, distribution of project results to interested parties, and educational outreach. It will create a Navajo Nation Wetland Information System (NNWIS) and GIS clearinghouse to provide a consistent and maintainable structure for wetland data for Navajo lands using draft standards utilized by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for National Wetlands Inventory.

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Yurok Tribe – Yurok Tribe Wetlands Compensatory Mitigation Enhancement Program.

This project will develop an innovative method for prioritizing sites for comprehensive and hazard mitigation to improve wetlands area and/or function within the Lower Klamath River. The targeted results are a Restoration Plan, to include prioritized project areas and language for Clean Water Act permits to protect and enhance wetlands within the Reservation. Intermediate targets include improved QA documents, assessment methods, and architecture for baseline/ongoing monitoring of wetlands area/functionality, to be shared with interested parties.

California State Coastal Conservancy – Ormond Beach Wetlands Restoration Monitoring.

The project will collect and analyze pre-restoration data and develop a long-term ecological monitoring program for an approximate 1000-acre coastal wetlands complex to be restored and enhanced in Ventura County, southern California. Monitoring metrics will represent wetland functions and ecological health, especially to track long-term changes if/when wetlands expand inland with a sea level rise that can be accommodated readily at this shallowly sloped site. The project will collaborate with researchers at the nearby State University and others with Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, a partnership founded by EPA and other agencies.

University of Hawaii – Development of Coral Reef Biocriteria for Hawaii.

This project will develop coral reef biological criteria for Hawaii in concert with the emerging national EPA program “Development of Assessment Tools for Coral Reef Biocriteria”. It will result in a description of ecological condition of coral reef communities along strong environmental gradients on impacted shorelines to develop and promote use of biocriteria in protecting Hawaiian coral reefs.

Association of Bay Area Governments – Development of Stream and Wetlands Protection Policy.

This project will continue development of the North Coast and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Boards Stream and Wetlands System Protection Policy and begin extending its application statewide by contributing key policy elements to a State Water Resources Control Board wetland protection policy. The overall goal of the project is to protect and restore vulnerable stream and wetland systems (including perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, connected and isolated wetlands, riparian areas, floodplains, and estuaries) in the two regions and throughout the State, as a way to improve water quality and support beneficial uses. The project will provide a model that other Regional Water Boards, federal, state, and local agencies, and Tribes can use to develop stream and wetland protections and management strategies within their jurisdictions.

San Jose State University – Support of the Central Coast Wetland Working Group Program Objectives.

Unlike Northern and Southern California, the Central Coast has not yet developed a common framework for the assessment and public reporting of wetland resources. This project will address four priority objectives: 1) support the Central Coast Wetland Working Group) as a representative to the State Wetland Monitoring program; 2) advance the science of wetland restoration and management, 3) provide regional perspective for restoration objectives and policy, and 4) build capacity for long-term wetland management.

Moapa Band of Paiutes – Moapa Band of Paiutes Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program.

This project will develop a comprehensive Wetlands Assessment and Monitoring Program. It will provide a baseline for future monitoring and subsequent assessments of anticipated net gains in acreage and enhanced functions and values of wetland resources. Final products produced under this grant include mapping of inventoried wetlands on the Reservation and the development of a Wetlands Conservation Plan which includes monitoring and an assessment of all mapped wetlands.

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