Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Water Division
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Pretreatment Program
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Program Implementation

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This page contains information concerning regulatory requirements and guidance useful to municipalities and dischargers in complying with pretreatment requirements, and in the implementation of the pretreatment program.
- Statistics Concerning Grab Sampling (PDF) (18 pp, 872K, )
- Program Development Permit Conditions (PDF) (5 pp, 140K, )
- Program Implementation Permit Conditions (PDF) (3 pp, 98K )
Local Limits
Municipalities develop and enforce local limits to:
- Ensure their municipal wastewater treatment plants comply with environmental standards
- Safeguard worker health and safety
- Protect wastewater collection and treatment physical assests including collection pipes and pump stations
Local limits reflect site-specific conditions including the number and types of industry, businesses and other non-domestic sources in a municipality's service area.
- Local Limits Guidance Manual (PDF) (134 pp, 2.2MB )
- PRELIM Program (EXE 340 KB, save to your computer's hard drive)
Contact Information
Pretreatment contacts