Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model

EasyRSEI Online Help - Model Data

EPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model contains multiple data tables that are used to create the model results. In some cases, the data represent a substantial data collection or data processing effort and may be of use in various analytical efforts outside of RSEI. For instance, RSEI toxicity weights can be used to weight the releases in other emissions inventories.

To navigate these forms, use the data table portion of the form to select a facility (at the bottom of the screen). You can use scroll through the table, or use the record selectors at the very bottom of the table to move through the records and search. You can also use the sorts and filters available by clicking on the small arrow to the right of each column header.

Any record that you click on in the data table portion of the form will be reflected in the tabs at the top of the form. The data in the tabs is the same as the data in the lower portion of the form; it is formatted so that is easier to find the data you are interested in.

Use the buttons at the top right to export the data; whatever subset of data is showing will be exported. For instance, if you used a column filter to select all the chemicals with reference concentrations, only those chemicals will be exported.

Screenshot from EasyRSEI that shows a table with chemical data used in RSEI modeling. The table shown is the same as the Chemical table provided as a text file on the RSEI ftp site.