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Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model

RSEI Documentation and Help

Methodology and Input Data Descriptions


  • EasyRSEI online help explains how to use EasyRSEI, a downloadable application for accessing RSEI results.


Data Dictionary

RSEI Results Definitions

  • RSEI results definitions provide detailed explanations for RSEI Score, RSEI Hazard, and other kinds of RSEI results found in EasyRSEI or in the Geographic Microdata.

RSEI Bibliography

  • RSEI bibliography contains a partial list of studies and books that include RSEI data. RSEI is often used in academic studies, particularly for environmental justice analyses.

Supporting Analyses

  • Analyses Performed for the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators contains three parts:
    • Part A describes the result of a ground-truthing analyses performed to determine the accuracy of the air pathway modeling;
    • Part B contains additional analyses performed on the air pathway to determine optimal modeling parameters; and
    • Part C describes the results of an analysis of a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code-based stack parameter data.
  • Developing the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators describes the development of the RSEI model, and outlines options that were considered for several important aspects of the method.

Looking for older documentation? Browse RSEI historical reference documents.