Recovery Potential Screening

RPS Indicator Files

The following resources provide additional information on RPS indicators at different levels of detail – simple lists of indicator names, indicators with brief summary descriptions, and indicator-specific Reference sheets. Indicators described as available means they have already been measured and compiled at the HUC12 scale throughout the lower 48 states and are publicly downloadable as embedded data already within Statewide RPS Tools or from the Watershed Index Online.

  • Watershed Indicators Master List(5 pp, 108 K) . This table includes a large unabridged list of indicator names that have been identified as potentially useful but may or may not have been measured, either on a single-state or national scale. Also, this file is set up for use as an indicator selection worksheet in that users can check off indicators of interest in a project planning column while browsing the list. This file's purpose is to help generate ideas for indicators at the beginning of an RPS project.
  • Watershed Index Online (WSIO) Available Indicators List (PDF)(57 pp, 542 K) This table includes indicator names, brief descriptions, and metadata of the 200+ indicators currently available by developing a custom Tool on the WSIO website. 
  • RPS Statewide Tool Embedded Indicators(1 pg, 26 K) . This table includes the name, brief description, and metadata for all 200+ indicators embedded in the latest release of lower 48 RPS Statewide Tools.
  • RPS Indicator Summaries Table (PDF). (49 pp, 577 K) This downloadable document contains brief descriptions of 100+ commonly used RPS indicators, including why each is relevant to watershed condition and recovery, its data sources, and how measured. It is the same content as the indicator descriptions on the ecological, stressor and social indicator tab pages in this website, but downloadable in one document. 
  • RPS Indicator Tracking Record. (5 pp, 16 K) This spreadsheet file offers an organized format to keep track of any new indicators created during an RPS project and their essential information
  • RPS Indicator Reference Sheets.  These Reference sheet files present the most detailed level of information on 70 individual RPS indicators; many are several pages long. Each fact sheet repeats the indicator summaries information but also provides excerpts from technical literature, project reports and restoration practice that elaborate on how the indicator relates to watershed condition and may affect restorability prospects. Fact sheets are accessible by category from the following links: 

RPS Ecological Indicator Reference Sheets

RPS Stressor Indicator Reference Sheets

RPS Social Indicator Reference Sheets