Red Hill

Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

The Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) requires the Navy to conduct an assessment of the risk posed by the facility to the groundwater resources. This risk assessment goes beyond a typical environmental risk assessment, which usually only analyzes the level of health risk posed by concentrations of contaminants in the environment. The risk assessment required by the AOC will evaluate the probabilities of various events that may result in the release of fuel into the surrounding environment. These events could include human error, mechanical failures, fires, or earthquakes. The assessment will study these types of scenarios and others to determine the likelihood of releases and their consequences. This risk assessment will provide important information to support contaminant modeling and tank upgrade decisions.

The Parties have had extensive meetings to discuss the contents of the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. On August 12, 2016, the Navy submitted a draft scope of work for the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. This draft scope will be used as the basis for discussions at the next scoping meeting to held August 30-31, 2016 in San Francisco. The Parties to the AOC will also meet with external subject matter experts on August 31 - September 1, 2016 to discuss the scope of the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.


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