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Annual Compliance Data for Obligated Parties and Renewable Fuel Exporters under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program

Data current as of December 12, 2016.

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Background Information on Annual Compliance

Gasoline and diesel refiners and importers (Obligated Parties) and exporters of renewable fuel are required to demonstrate compliance with Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) for cellulosic biofuel (CB), biomass-based diesel (BBD), advanced biofuel (AB), and renewable fuel (RF).

Obligated parties calculate their annual RVOs by using the following formula for each of the four renewable fuel types:

RVO = Combined production/import of gasoline & diesel x annual percent standard set for CB, BBD, AB, and RF + any carry-over deficit from previous year.

Exporters of renewable fuel calculate their annual RVOs by using the following formula for each type of renewable fuel they export:

Exporter RVO = fuel type (ethanol, biodiesel, etc.) times the associated equivalence value.

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Obligated parties may obtain credits representing renewable fuel (which are called Renewable Identification Numbers or RINs) throughout the compliance year.  After the completion of a compliance year, obligated parties retire the number and type of RINs required to achieve compliance with each of their applicable RVOs. Exporters must demonstrate compliance with the RVO associated with each discrete volume of exported renewable fuel within thirty days of export.

The tables below provide summary totals of annual compliance with Obligated Party and Exporter RVOs, as well as other data relevant to the RFS program.

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Table 1: Estimated versus Actual Gasoline and Diesel Volume Produced for Domestic Use

The projected gasoline and diesel volume produced for domestic use is provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and is used in setting the annual standards. The actual total gasoline and diesel production volume is the sum of individual production volumes reported by Obligated Parties that are subject to the annual RFS standards.

Compliance Year EIA Outlook total gasoline & diesel fuel used in setting annual standards (gallons) Total gasoline & diesel fuel reported by Obligated Parties (gallons)
2010 156,969,696,970 153,191,431,635
2011 174,157,303,371 169,401,578,093
2012 164,680,390,033 166,589,667,497
2013 169,917,864,476 172,985,041,292
2014 177,140,000,000 177,079,562,727
2015 177,860,000,000 180,242,957,485

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Table 2: Total RVO for Each Compliance Year

Total Obligated Party RVOs are reported to EPA by Obligated Parties annually. For more information about calculating an RVO, see the section above on: Background Information on Annual Compliance

The table below identifies the:
  • Volumes anticipated by EPA in setting the annual standards
    (in ethanol equivalent gallons for all biofuels except biodiesel which is physical gallons of biodiesel)
  • RIN volume obligations actually reported for compliance
    (determined by multiplying reported gasoline/diesel volumes by the RVO percent standard)
  • This table:
    • Only lists the calculated exported amount under the determined RVO; and
    • Breaks out each biofuel component separately.
  • Exporter RVO is calculated by multiplying the gallons of renewable fuel exported by the associated fuel’s equivalence value.
  • Reported deficits are based on prior-year compliance.
  • Total RVO is determined by summing reported volume obligations, exported renewable fuel and reported deficit.
Compliance Year RVO Category Cellulosic Biofuel (gallons) Biomass-Based Diesel (gallons) Advanced Biofuel (gallons) Renewable Fuel (gallons)
2010 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 6,500,000 1,150,000,000 950,000,000 12,950,000,000
2010 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
6,182,591 1,685,124,090 934,467,733 12,638,293,110
2010 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
0 224,924,741 147,606,066 445,449,429
2010 Reported Deficit N/A N/A N/A N/A
2010 Total RVO 6,182,591 1,910,048,831 1,082,073,799 13,083,742,439
2011 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 N/A2 800,000,000 1,350,000,000 13,950,000,000
2011 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
N/A2 1,169,542,497 1,322,078,953 13,576,733,859
2011 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
N/A2 50,966,870 50,024,585 621,872,385
2011 Reported Deficit N/A2 227,120,812 229,693,190 163,353,609
2011 Total RVO N/A2 1,447,630,179 1,601,796,728 14,361,959,853
2012 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 N/A2 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 15,200,000,000
2012 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
N/A2 1,516,421,475 2,016,340,643 15,380,846,391
2012 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
N/A2 107,708,996 91,841,039 484,505,497
2012 Reported Deficit N/A2 44,899,618 39,793,950 71,361,964
2012 Total RVO N/A2 1,669,030,089 2,147,975,632 15,936,713,852
2013 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 818,517 1,280,000,000 2,750,000,000 16,550,000,000
2013 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
864,865 1,954,598,102 2,802,157,305 16,847,826,477
2013 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
0 115,230,308 88,606,184 423,160,771
2013 Reported Deficit N/A2 22,891,875 23,212,163 78,064,351
2013 Total RVO 864,865 2,092,720,285 2,913,975,652 17,349,051,599
2014 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 33,000,000 1,630,000,000 2,670,000,000 16,280,000,000
2014 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
33,647,116 2,496,970,208 2,674,060,294 16,274,578,876
2014 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
0 132,541,406 0 381,679,619
2014 Reported Deficit 31 15,671,598 18,717,611 59,843,695
2014 Total RVO 33,647,147 2,645,183,212 2,692,777,905 16,716,102,190
2015 RFS Projected Volume Obligations1 123,000,000 1,730,000,000 2,880,000,000 16,930,000,000
2015 Reported Volume Obligations
(volume multiplied by the standard)
124,367,641 2,685,620,067 2,919,935,911 17,159,129,553
2015 Exported Renewable Fuel
(gallons multiplied by the equivalence value)
0 145,453,130 0 370,101,652
2015 Reported Deficit 7,722 13,234,484 14,852,674 160,091,803
2015 Total RVO 124,375,363 2,844,307,680 2,934,788,585 17,689,323,008
1  To view EPA's standards, go to: Regulations and Volume Standards under the RFS Program
2  Cellulosic biofuel standards for 2011 and 2012 were set and subsequently removed due to legal challenges of those respective standards, resulting in no cellulosic biofuel standard for 2011 and 2012.

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Table 3: Total RIN Retirements for Annual Compliance Reported by Gasoline and Diesel Importers

The following table shows the total number of RIN retirements in the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) for annual compliance  by companies reporting an RVO as a Gasoline/Diesel Importer. RIN generation under the RFS2 program began in July 2010.

  RIN Year D3 RINs D4 RINs D5 RINs D6 RINs D7 RINs
2010 Compliance Year1 ----- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2010 0 32,383,105 1,087,451 397,571,032 0
2011 Compliance Year1 2010 0 7,402,875 910,259 321,103,263 0
2011 0 167,973,561 18,282,162 1,414,365,624 0
2012 Compliance Year 2011 0 8,976,183 1,698,163 109,933,808 0
2012 0 45,474,611 15,189,919 464,506,905 0
2013 Compliance Year 2012 0 3,826,563 8,746,690 47,477,532 123
2013 495 80,124,017 22,643,538 446,794,471 0
2014 Compliance Year 2013 0 16,370,943 1,184,899 30,790,127 7,553
2014 238,252 65,680,599 3,645,075 385,520,623 0
2015 Compliance Year 2014 195,488 11,795,557 626,330 60,411,425 0
2015 2,645,552 65,956,838 1,831,528 343,735,171 0

Does not include RFS1.

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Table 4: Total RIN Retirements for Annual Compliance Reported by Gasoline/Diesel Refiners

The following table shows the total number of RIN retirements in EMTS for annual compliance by companies reporting an RVO as a Gasoline/Diesel Refiner. Gasoline/Diesel Refiners report compliance on either an Aggregated Refiner or Facility-by-Facility basis. RIN generation under the RFS2 program began in July 2010.

  RIN Year D3 RINs D4 RINs D5 RINs D6 RINs D7 RINs
2010 Compliance Year1 ----- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2010 0 166,232,179 23,720,991 3,441,123,591 0
2011 Compliance Year1 2010 0 49,966,029 2,669,842 1,920,351,778 0
2011 0 1,027,143,577 152,386,595 7,769,788,969 0
2012 Compliance Year 2011 0 268,961,057 49,103,786 3,060,020,326 0
2012 0 1,254,882,608 415,495,440 10,090,718,261 0
2013 Compliance Year 2012 0 244,478,487 156,284,147 2,040,007,535 1,618
2013 272,459 1,939,160,352 485,169,551 11,476,873,108 322,896
2014 Compliance Year
2013 121,704 479,063,252 41,608,028 1,041,444,423 53,252
2014 20,797,973 2,033,114,324 84,336,799 11,953,210,826 45,449
2015 Compliance Year 2014 11,766,790 373,366,345 53,966,409 1,284,546,979 0
2015 98,318,641 2,286,481,195 44,854,280 12,673,720,820 100,000

Does not include RFS1.

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Table 5: Total RIN Retirements for Annual Compliance Reported by Renewable Fuel Exporters

The following table shows the total number of RIN retirements in EMTS for annual compliance by companies reporting an RVO as Renewable Fuel Exporters. Renewable fuel exporters include exporters of neat renewable fuel, as well as exporters of renewable fuel blended with other fuels (including, but not limited to, gasoline, diesel, heating oil, jet fuel, and marine fuel). RIN generation under the RFS2 program began in July 2010.

  RIN Year D3 RINs D4 RINs D5 RINs D6 RINs D7 RINs
2010 Compliance Year1 ----- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2010 0 28,595,556 0 175,748,502 0
2011 Compliance Year1 2010 0 3,395,261 0 77,205,266 0
2011 0 68,243,730 0 552,922,071 0
2012 Compliance Year 2011 0 19,122,863 21,550 109,565,908 0
2012 0 83,207,852 462,176 317,430,096 0
2013 Compliance Year 2012 0 13,814,616 846,528 23,356,902 0
2013 20,069 110,926,600 2,441,413 277,641,199 0
2014 Compliance Year 2013 0 24,579,129 13,217 10,860,315 0
2014 0 109,261,389 0 384,246,860 0
2015 Compliance Year 2014 0 14,712,364 0 10,888,898 0
2015 0 130,139,080 0 390,547,106 0

Does not include RFS1.

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Table 6: RFS2 RIN Retirements in EMTS Nested by RVO

RFS2 RIN retirements  for annual compliance nested by each of the annual RVOs (CB, BBD, AB, and RF). RIN years are combined together.

RVO Name 2010 Compliance Year1 2011 Compliance Year1 2012 Compliance Year 2013 Compliance Year 2014 Compliance Year 2015 Compliance Year
Cellulosic Biofuel (D3 + D7) 0 No data2 No data2 617,660 21,264,183 113,026,471
Biomass Based Diesel (D4 + D7) 227,210,840 1,324,125,033 1,680,625,174 2,392,655,272 2,728,175,890 2,882,551,379
Advanced Biofuel (D3, D4, D5, & D7) 252,019,282 1,498,373,891 2,162,596,208 3,069,080,162 2,880,121,837 3,096,756,397
Renewable Fuel (D3, D4, D5, D6, & D7) 4,266,462,407 13,554,110,862 16,314,771,512 17,381,230,909 16,686,195,011 17,860,606,796
1  Does not include RFS1.

2  Cellulosic biofuel standards for 2011 and 2012 were set and subsequently removed due to legal challenges of those respective standards, resulting in no cellulosic biofuel standard for 2011 and 2012.

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Table 7: Total End-of-Year Compliance Deficits for Each Compliance Year

When an obligated party or exporter does not retire enough RINs to meet an RVO, the result is a compliance deficit. The deficit is carried over into the next compliance year and is added to the obligated party’s/exporter’s RVO calculation. This table shows total industry-reported compliance deficits by RVO and compliance year.

Compliance Year Cellulosic Biofuel Biomass-Based Diesel Advanced Biofuel Renewable Fuel
20101 31,543 227,120,812 229,693,190 163,353,609
20111 No data2 44,899,618 39,793,950 71,361,964
2012 No data2 22,891,875 23,212,163 78,064,351
2013 31 15,671,598 18,717,611 59,843,695
2014 7,722 13,234,484 14,852,674 160,091,803
2015 0 9,429,196 9,600,652 12,724,461
1  Does not include RFS1.

2  Cellulosic biofuel standards for 2011 and 2012 were set and subsequently removed due to legal challenges of those respective standards, resulting in no cellulosic biofuel standard for 2011 and 2012.

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