2014 Renewable Fuel Standard Data
Data are current as of January 10, 2017.
- RIN Generation Summary
RINs Generated
- RIN Generation Error Corrections are defined as RINs that have been retired in EMTS using any of the three retirement reason codes of Invalid RIN, Import Volume Error Correction, or Volume Error Correction.
- Net RINs generated shows the total number of RINs generated minus the invalid RINs generated.
Fuel (D Code) Total RINs Generated RIN Generation Error Corrections Net RINs Generated Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) 33,360,560 342,326 33,018,234 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) 2,709,972,461 7,016,765 2,702,955,696 Advanced Biofuel (D5) 143,540,533 124,707 143,415,826 Renewable Fuel (D6) 14,359,064,491 14,410,773 14,344,653,718 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) 59,305 4,997 54,308 RIN Generation by Producer Type
This table displays the total number of RINs generated by importers, domestic renewable fuel producers, and foreign renewable fuel producers.
- Foreign renewable fuel producer may generate RINs if they meet the RFS2 requirements (40 CFR 80.1466).
- Importers may generate RINs for fuel generated by foreign renewable fuel producers (including undenatured ethanol producers) if the foreign renewable fuel producer does not generate RINs for that volume.
Fuel (D Code) Domestic Importer Foreign Generation Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) 33,360,560 0 0 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) 2,214,017,272 203,985,011 291,970,178 Advanced Biofuel (D5) 79,065,878 64,474,655 0 Renewable Fuel (D6) 14,022,689,193 79,009,021 257,366,277 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) 8,859 50,446 0 - RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production by Month
This table displays the total production of renewable fuels (in gallons) and quantity of RINs generated under the RFS2 program in each month by fuel category, or D-code. Values listed in this table are not cumulative and this table only displays 2014 data.
Fuel (D Code) January February March April Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 58,415 7,072 6,624 643 Volume 43,692 7,072 6,624 643 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 137,454,114 162,562,886 218,456,199 223,134,779 Volume 87,794,966 104,340,362 140,793,769 144,146,291 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 8,700,577 6,395,361 10,677,050 23,846,069 Volume 8,087,255 5,584,259 9,656,580 22,759,584 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 1,174,626,266 1,049,667,186 1,169,255,011 1,203,272,597 Volume 1,164,561,836 1,037,693,400 1,160,091,876 1,191,902,000 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 472 10,950 Volume 0 0 472 7,302 Fuel (D Code) May June July August Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 0 0 4,156 3,492,106 Volume 0 0 4,156 3,492,106 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 230,977,843 237,867,315 281,533,772 219,708,717 Volume 149,418,964 153,941,902 182,667,578 145,171,585 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 27,529,008 17,983,601 15,537,712 4,682,654 Volume 26,527,162 16,975,379 14,036,229 4,282,161 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 1,222,057,576 1,218,292,698 1,273,210,055 1,223,303,113 Volume 1,213,321,627 1,207,547,567 1,259,819,720 1,206,229,071 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 1,248 5,532 Volume 0 0 1,248 5,532 Fuel (D Code) September October November December Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 7,555,432 7,047,762 6,325,080 8,863,270 Volume 7,555,432 7,047,762 6,325,080 8,863,270 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 214,425,030 229,014,422 227,854,215 326,983,169 Volume 142,265,200 150,809,397 148,560,529 213,523,925 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 4,295,701 6,239,052 4,630,963 13,022,785 Volume 3,506,980 4,848,444 3,581,819 11,581,500 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 1,172,450,227 1,172,297,781 1,168,968,219 1,311,663,762 Volume 1,167,803,409 1,168,652,244 1,152,443,758 1,296,431,295 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 17,073 24,030 0 0 Volume 17,073 24,030 0 0 Download spreadsheet of RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production by Month
- RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production by Fuel Type
Total Production by Fuel Type
This table displays the total production of renewable fuels (in gallons) and total quantity of RINs in the RFS2 program for all captured 2014 months (in the table above) broken out by fuel type and category.
Fuel (D Code) Ethanol (EV 1.0) Biogas Biodiesel (EV 1.5) Naptha (EV 1.5) Non-ester Renewable Diesel (EV 1.5) Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 728,509 0 0 0 0 Volume 728,509 0 0 0 0 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 0 0 2,153,336,326 0 307,941 Volume 0 0 1,435,538,716 0 205,293 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 90,298,203 20,352,691 0 18,140,883 0 Volume 90,298,203 20,352,691 0 12,093,919 0 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 14,021,921,395 0 79,776,819 0 0 Volume 14,021,921,395 0 53,184,482 0 0 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 0 0 Fuel (D Code) Heating Oil (EV 1.6) Non-ester Renewable Diesel (EV 1.6) Non-ester Renewable Diesel (EV 1.7) Cellulosic Diesel Cellulosic Renewable Gasoline Blendstock (EV application required) Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 0 0 0 0 44,168 Volume 0 0 0 0 29,445 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 0 11,930,103 544,398,091 0 0 Volume 0 7,456,331 320,234,128 0 0 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 113,884 480 14,628,048 0 0 Volume 71,177 300 8,604,718 0 0 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 0 0 257,366,277 0 0 Volume 0 0 151,391,926 0 0 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 0 8,859 0 Volume 0 0 0 5,211 0 Fuel (D Code) Cellulosic Heating Oil (EV application required) Renewable Compressed Natural Gas Renewable Liquefied Natural Gas Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 0 15,208,068 17,379,815 Volume 0 15,208,068 17,379,815 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 0 6,344 0 Volume 0 6,344 0 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 50,446 0 0 Volume 50,446 0 0 Download spreadsheet of RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production by Fuel Type
- Available RINs to Date
Total Available RINs to Date
This table displays the total number of RINs generated, retired, locked, and available for all captured 2014 months, broken out by assignment.
Total Generated = Total Retired (Assigned and Separated) + Total Available (Locked and Unlocked)
Total Available = Total Locked (Assigned and Separated) + Total Unlocked (Assigned and Separated)- RINs may be retired for compliance purposes or other reasons (e.g. reported spills delayed RIN retirement)
- Available RINs may be unlocked/locked by registered company submitters at any time. Locked RINs are "available" however, they may not be used in EMTS transactions until unlocked.
- RINs may only be separated (no longer assigned to a batch of renewable fuel) for specific allowed activities. For more information on RIN separation, see the RFS2 regulations: 40 CFR 80.1429. RINs must be separated before they can be used for compliance purposes by obligated parties or renewable fuel exporters.
Fuel (D Code) Assignments Total Generated Total Retired Total Available Locked Unlocked Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) Assigned
0Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) Assigned
380,972Advanced Biofuel (D5) Assigned
775,880Renewable Fuel (D6) Assigned
1,897,276Cellulosic Diesel (D7) Assigned
8,859Total RINs Assigned and Separated 17,245,997,350 17,231,426,994 4,102,313 10,468,043 - RIN Retirements
Total Retirements by Fuel (D Code)
This table displays the number of RINS retired and the purpose for retirement broken down by fuel category (D code).
Fuel (D Code) Reported Spill Contaminated or Spoiled Fuel Enforcement Obligation Demonstrate Annual Compliance Renewable Fuel Used or Designated to be Used in Any Application that is Not Transportation Fuel, Heating Oil, or Jet Fuel Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 0 0 0 32,983,644 27,943 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 50,080 915,386 2,184,121 2,604,803,767 81,303,420 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 0 0 0 142,516,779 93,978 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 104,154 142,152 0 14,059,764,295 254,064,945 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 0 45,449 0 Fuel (D Code) Remedial Action - Retirement Pursuant to 80.1431(c) Remedial Action - Retire for Compliance Remediation of Invalid RIN Use for Compliance Invalid RIN Volume Error Correction Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 6,647 0 0 342,326 0 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 1,524,529 1,372,052 4,514,277 6,833,365 183,400 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 1,741 0 0 124,706 1 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 11,907,196 10,829,622 371,249 11,513,723 2,897,050 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 0 0 4,997 0 - RIN Separations
Total Separations by Fuel (D Code)
This table displays the the total number of RINs and the condition cited for each RIN separation by fuel category (D code).
Fuel (D Code) Receipt of Renewable Fuel by Obligated Party as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(1) Blending to Produce a Transportation Fuel as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(2) Designation of Renewable Fuel and Used Without Further Blending as Transportation Fuel as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(4) Upstream Delegation for Blending as per 40 CFR 80.1440 Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 712,878 124,882 32,133,362 0 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 1,524,181,150 939,389,084 20,222,529 299,207 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 70,598,527 50,693,235 20,268,112 0 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 11,548,595,190 2,147,494,963 118,841,474 0 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 8,859 0 0 Fuel (D Code) Export of Renewable Fuel as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(3) Use as Heating Oil or Jet Fuel as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(2) Use in a Non-Road Engine or Vehicle Designation of Renewable Fuel and Used Without Further Blending as Heating Oil or Jet Fuel as per 40 CFR 80.1429(b)(4) Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs 909 0 0 359,413 Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs 108,662,612 7,077,718 8,940,554 8,044,082 Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs 0 1,746,771 0 114,191 Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs 245,188,772 13,832,768 133,207 699,622 Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs 0 30,084 0 15,365 - Cellulosic Waiver Credits
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