Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Water Division
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Oceans, Coasts, and Estuaries
- Coral Reef Protection Grants in Region 9
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Coastal Waters
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EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region includes over 3,000 miles of coastline: over 1,100 miles in California, over 1,000 miles in Hawaii, and about 1,000 more miles on other Pacific islands. Coastal waters also include bays and estuaries, and U.S. territorial waters from shorelines out to the federal 12-mile limit. Fish and wildlife habitats in these coastal waters range from sandy beaches to rocky tidepools; from offshore kelp beds to the productive fishing areas of the continental shelf.

Most of the nation’s population lives near a coastline. The same areas that often attract human development also provide essential feeding, cover, migration routes, and breeding or nursery areas for a broad array of coastal and marine life. Habitat loss and degradation, overfishing, land-based pollution, invasive species, and shoreline erosion are key issues facing coastlines and estuaries in the Pacific Southwest.
EPA participates in many programs protecting coastal waters, from Malibu to Guam. For more information, see the links on the right side of this page.
Coastal America
Coastal America is a unique partnership of federal agencies, state and local governments, and private organizations. EPA Region 9 is an active partner in Coastal America. The partners work together to protect, preserve, and restore our nation's coasts. The challenge is to meld the capabilities and expertise of all the partners to solve local coastal problems. This is accomplished by sharing information, pooling resources, and combining management skills and technical expertise. To learn more about the partnership, visit Coastal America.
Coral Reef Protection Grants
Competitive Grants
- Environmental Education
- Env. Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving
- EPA STAR Grants
- Food Quality Protection Act
- OSWER Innovation Initiative
- Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Prg.
- Pollution Prevention Grants for States
- Resource Conservation Funds
- Targeted Watershed Initiative
- Wetlands Protection Grants
Other Funds Available
Other Grant Information
Competitive Grants
Environmental Education

Purpose: To provide financial support for projects which design, demonstrate or disseminate environmental education practices, methods or techniques
Eligible Applicants: Local, tribal, or state education agencies, colleges & universities, nonprofit organizations, state environmental agencies, & non-commercial educational broadcasting agencies
Award Amount Two funding levels
- $10,000 and less through regional program
- Greater than $5,001-$50,000 through national office
Total Award: $182,000 in FY 2006
Matching: 25% matching share required
Key Dates
- Solicitation Notice:
- Application Due: Mid-November 2006
- Selection: Spring 2007
Priorities: Projects MUST focus on one of the following: Capacity Building, Education Reform, Community Issues, Health, Teaching Skills, Career Development.
More information about enviornmental education grants »
Sharon Jang (
Office of Public Affairs
(415) 947-4252
Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Grants Program
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to address an existing local environmental and/or public health issues. Projects that focus on education and/or training will not be funded. Project may have some education or training component, but they must be secondary to the overall purpose of the project.
Eligible Applicants: To be an eligible organization you must fit the definition described in the solicitation notice and must be working on, or planning to work on, a project that addresses a local environmental and/or public health issue within your affected community.
Award Amount: $100,000 for three year projects
Matching: none
Key Dates
- Solicitation Notice: October 2007
- Selection:
Key Elements of EJCPS Model
- Issue Identification
- Visioning
- Strategic Goal Setting Community Capacity Building and Leadership Development
- Development of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Leveraging of Resources Consensus Building and Dispute Resolution Constructive Engagement with Other Stakeholders Sound Management and Implementation
- Evaluation
Karen Henry (
Environmental Justice Team
(415) 972-3844
Purpose: NCER's Science to Achieve Results or STAR program funds research grants and graduate fellowships in numerous environmental science and engineering disciplines through a competitive solicitation process and independent peer review. The program engages the nation's best scientists and engineers in targeted research that complements EPA's own outstanding intramural research program and those of our partners in other federal agencies.
Priorities: Information and a list of current research topic solicitations
Key Dates: Dates vary with solicitation announcements.
Food Quality Protection Act - Implementation and other Reduced Risk Pest Management Projects
Purpose: Encourages implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act, to reduce the risks and use of targeted pesticides, and to support sustainable farming practices that are environmentally-sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.
Eligible Applicants: States, U.S. territories or possessions, Tribes, universities, agriculture organizations, other public and private non-profit institutions, and individuals are eligible to apply for funding.
Award Amount: Up to $100,000
Total Award: Approximately $400,000 annually
Matching: No match is required, however applicants are strongly encouraged to leverage funds from other sources.
Key Dates- Applications due: Early Spring each year.
- Importance of project to FQPA implementation
- Extent of grower participation and collaborative approaches
- Transition from high-risk pesticides to lower risk practices.
- Potential for achieving adoption
- Performance measures
Cindy Wire (
Agriculture Program
(415) 972-4242
OSWER Innovation Initiative
Purpose:The Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response (OSWER) funds projects that test innovative approaches to energy recovery, waste minimization, recycling, land revitalization and homeland security related to chemical emergency prevention, preparedness and response.
Eligible Applicants:EPA regional and HQ OSWER programs, Federal/State/Local Agencies, Tribes, Non-profit Groups, Academia, and Industry.
Award Amount: Up to $100,000
Total Award: $500,000
Matching: none or 5% for projects awarded under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Key Dates: See webpage for more information
Priorities: Foster innovative approaches to environmental challenges by (a) restoring contaminated properties, (b) increasing homeland security, (c) conserving natural resources and energy by managing materials more efficiently, and (d) encouraging voluntary efforts to clean up sites.
Brigid Lowery(
EPA Headquarters
(202) 566-0198
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP)
Purpose: PESP provides funds for projects that address pesticide risk reduction, integrated pest management (IPM), IPM in schools, children's health issues related to pesticides, and those research methods for documenting IPM adoption or the reduction of risks associated with changes in pesticide use.
Eligible Applicants: States, Territories, Federally recognized Tribes and any agency or instrumentality of a State including State universities and some commodities groups.
Award Amount: Up to $50,900 per project
Total Award: Approximately $509K nationally in FY2007.
Matching: No matching share required under Section 20 of FIFRA
Key Dates:
Priorities: PESP implements reduced use/risk control techniques or demonstrates the potential for implementation of project results; addresses a significant geographically-specific or widespread environmental concern; demonstrates potential for long-term benefits and/or builds upon existing efforts.
Karen Heisler (
Agriculture Program
(415) 947-4140
Pollution Prevention Grants (PPGs) for States
Purpose: To build and support state and tribal pollution prevention (P2) capabilities and to test innovative pollution prevention approaches and methodologies.
Eligible Applicants: State agencies, federally-recognized tribes, territories & possessions. Recipients are encouraged to form partnerships with other P2 providers.
Amount Awarded: Up to $200,000 per grant
Total Award: Approximately $400,000 for Region 9
Matching: 50% matching share required.
Key Dates- Application Due: April 2, 2007
- Selection: TBD
Funds awarded must be used for programs that prevent the transfer of pollutants across all environmental media:- air
- water
- land
- agricultural P2
- P2 for children's health
- P2 focused on persistent
- bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) source reduction and sector P2 (metal finishing, auto repair, fleet maintenance, hospitals)
Jessica Counts (
(415) 972-3288
Pollution Provention Team
Resource Conservation Funds
Purpose: To fund cooperative agreements that promote recycling, solid waste reduction, and energy conservation through source reduction, product stewardship, reuse and composting, market development and job creation, education and outreach, or the procurement of post consumer recycled content products.
Eligible Applicants: States, Tribes, Territories, multi-State/Tribal organizations, universities, local governments and not-for-profit organizations located within Region 9.
Award Amount: $30,000 - $60,000 in cooperative agreement funds.
Total Award: Approximately $120,000 awarded in FY05
Matching: No matching share required.
Key Dates- Application Due: April 18, 2007
- Selection: May 18, 2007
- Provide education and outreach, technical assistance or spur innovative approaches to promote green building, environmentally preferable purchasing, anaerobic digestion of food waste and the organic portion of the waste stream.
- Reducing the generation and disposal of the following materials and waste streams through reuse, recycling, composting, or market development: construction and demolition debris, green waste and the organic portion of the waste stream.
Cara Peck (
Waste Management Division
(415) 972-3382
Targeted Watershed Grant Program
Purpose: The Targeted Watersheds Grant Program is a competitive grant program that encourages the protection and restoration of the country's water resources through cooperative conservation. The program supports collaborative watershed partnerships that are ready to implement on-the-ground restoration and protection activities designed to achieve quick, measurable environmental results. The goal is to build on existing partnerships and coalitions that have evaluated and assessed their watershed, devised a technically sound watershed plan and are ready to embark on steps to implement their plans.
Eligible Applicants: States, local governments, public and private nonprofit institutions/organizations, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, U.S. territories or possessions, and interstate agencies are eligible to apply
Award Amount: $600,000 to $900,000 (FY 2006/07) - solicitation deadline November 15, 2006
Total Amount: $7.1 million to about $16 million (combining both 2006 and 2007 Targeted Watersheds Grant funds).
The President's fiscal year (FY) 2008 budget, which is now before Congress, does not include a request for funding TWG.
Matching: minimum of 25% match.
Key Dates- unknown
Priorities: To date, the Targeted Watersheds Grant program has awarded more than $37 million to 46 watershed organizations to fund community-driven, environmental results oriented watershed projects. The program has also provided capacity building grants to service provider organizations that can deliver training and tools for all watershed organizations across the country. Check this site for up-to-date information.
Sam Ziegler (
Water Division
(415) 972-3399
Wetlands Protection Grants (State /Tribal/Local) CWA 104 (b)(3)
Purpose: Assist state, tribal and local wetlands protection efforts. Funds can be used to develop new wetlands protection programs or refine existing protection programs.
Eligible Applicants: State and tribal agencies, local governments, and conservation districts.
Award Amount: Variable
Total Awarded: $1.1 million FY 06
Matching: 25% matching share is required.
Key Dates- Application Due: December 28, 2006
- Selection: February 12, 2007
- Wetland monitoring/assessment
- Program Development
- Protection of vulnerable wetlands
Cheryl McGovern (
Water Division
(415) 972-3415
Other Funds Available to States and Territories
Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act Grants
Purpose: The EPA's Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act Grant Program provides grants to eligible states, territories, and tribes to support microbiological testing and monitoring of coastal recreation waters that are adjacent to beaches or similar points of access used by the public. BEACH Act grants also provide support for development and implementation of programs to notify the public of the potential exposure to disease-causing microorganisms in coastal recreation waters.
Eligible Applicants: Local Government, State/Territorial Agency, Tribal Agency
Award Amount: varies by state. Roughly $300K for each of the islands in 2007.
Total Award: $9.9 million in FY 07
Key Dates: The deadline to submit a complete application is 45 days from the date of the program announcement in the Federal Register
Matching: none
Priorities: Information available
Terry Fleming (
(415) 972-3462
BEACH Program
Janet Hashimoto (
(415) 972-3452
Water Division
Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Control
Purpose: Established by the federal Clean Water Act ยง319, these funds are for the implementation of State/Territory nonpoint source pollution control programs. Each State passes through a portion of these funds to other entities for implementing specific Nonpoint pollution management practices. State Water Quality agencies are the lead agencies for these grant programs.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants include public and private entities including nonprofits, local state governments, tribes, special districts, educational institutions, and government agencies. Applications are distributed by State/Territory Water Quality Agencies.
Award Amount: Variable - Past awards range from $20,000-$300,000.
Total Awarded
- Hawaii = $1.5m
- American Samoa = $544k
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) = $544k
- Territory of Guam = $544k
Matching Share: Project match varies by State/Territory.
Key Dates- Application Due: Varies by State
- Restoration of impaired waters through watershed-based plans and TMDL implementation
- Solving problems caused by NPS
- Enhancing aquatic and riparian habitats
- Public education and outreach
- Collaboration/Partnership among multiple interests
- Commitments to sustained water quality improvements
U.S. EPA Region IX
75 Hawthorne Street (WTR-10)
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 947-8707