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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Diesel Emission Reduction Grants

Purpose To provide funding to reduce and/or eliminate air emissions from diesel sources
Eligible Applicants Eligible entities include regional, State, local or tribal agencies (or intertribal consortia) or port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality, and nonprofit organizations or institutions that: a) represent or provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that own or operate diesel fleets or b) have, as their principal purpose, the promotion of transportation or air quality.
Award Amount Between $300K-3M depending on amount available
Total Awarded in Fiscal Year TBD, based on congressional passage of FY14 budget.
Matching Share Some grants require matching. See the Request for Proposals for more details.
Key Dates:
Application Due;

Due: TBD 2014
Selection: TBD 2014
  • Funds the deployment of EPA- and/or CARB verified/certified clean diesel technologies, including: retrofit devices, repower, cleaner fuels, and equipment replacements.
  • Eligible vehicles, engines, and equipment for grant funding may include: buses, medium and heavy-duty trucks, marine engines, locomotives, and non-road engines (constriction or cargo handling equipment)

See West Coast Collaborative Exiting EPA (disclaimer) or EPA website for more info.

Contact Person
EPA Office/Division
Penny McDaniel (mcdaniel.penelope@epa.gov)
Air Division
(415) 947-4203

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