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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Request for Proposals: Innovative Source Reduction for Land-Based Sources of Marine Debris from Coastal Watersheds

Federal Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9
Announcement Type: Request for Proposals (RFP)
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers: 66.439
Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-R9-WTR3-12-003
Submission Date: Proposals are due on Friday, June 8, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST). Applicants may submit a proposal by mail or electronically through Proposals will not be reviewed if they are emailed, faxed, or received after the submission date and time. For complete information on submitting a proposal refer to Section IV of the RFP.

Overview: U.S. EPA Region 9 is soliciting proposals under this announcement for projects that conserve, restore and protect the water quality, habitat and environment of coastal waters, estuaries, bays, near shore, and ocean waters through innovative and comprehensive approaches to reducing land-based sources of marine debris. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit proposals that demonstrate and promote the economic benefits of source reduction, inspire innovative local policies promoting litter prevention, and foster creative collaborative partnerships between local government, non-profits, and business. Proposals that principally support recycling, clean-up, treatment, trash capture/removal, plastic bag and/or polystyrene bans, or disposal activities will not be considered for funding.

Eligibility: States, local governments, public and private nonprofit institutions/organizations, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, U.S. territories or possessions, and interstate agencies are eligible to apply. For complete eligibility requirements refer to Section III of the RFP.

Funding: The total amount expected to be awarded under this announcement is approximately $283,660. EPA Region 9 anticipates awarding approximately one to three grants under this solicitation with project periods of up to three years. Applicants must demonstrate in their proposal submission how they will provide the minimum non-federal match of 25 percent of the total cost of the proposal. For complete award information, including match requirements, refer to Section II of the RFP.

Important Dates:
June 8, 2012Proposals must be received via, mail, overnight delivery, hand delivery, or courier service by 5:00 p.m., PST.
July 6, 2012Initial project approvals identified and project applicants selected for funding will be requested to submit a formal application package.
July 20, 2012Complete application and work plans received by EPA.
September 30Awards made.
*The above dates, other than the June 8, 2012 proposal submission date, are anticipated dates and may be subject to change. CONTENT OF FULL TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT:
  1. Funding Opportunity Description
  2. Award Information
  3. Eligibility Information
  4. Proposal and Submission Information
  5. Proposal Review Information
  6. Award Administration Information
  7. Agency Contact
  8. Other Information

Saskia van Gendt (
(415) 947-4103

Read the press release for the RFP

Download the complete RFP (PDF) (20 pp, 250 K, About PDF)


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