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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Border Liaison Office, San Diego

US-Mexico Border 2020

Border 2020 Web Site

Office Directory

Hector Aguirre
(619) 235-4764

Dave Fege (
Border Air Quality Coordinator and California/Baja California Issues
(619) 235-4769

Lorena Lopez-Powers
Arizona/Sonora Issues
(619) 235-4768

Jeremy Bauer (
Border Environmental Health Issues and Border Communications
(619) 235-4787

Doug Liden (
Border Water and Wastewater Issues
(619) 235-4763

Emily Pimentel (
Border Waste and Compliance Issues
(415) 972-3326

Bill Jones (
Border Emergency Preparedness and Response
(619) 235-4776

In October 1994, EPA established the Border Liaison Office in San Diego, California to support binational efforts that address environmental issues affecting U.S.-Mexico border communities. The mission of the Border Office is to advance the goals and objectives of the binational border environment program with Mexico and to leverage and collaborate with border stakeholders towards this mission.

As part of its mission, the Border Office:

  • Coordinates implementation of the binational U.S./Mexico Border Program.
  • Coordinates policy and implementation efforts with the Arizona/Sonora and California/Baja California Regional Workgroups and Task Forces
  • Provides support to the  Border 2020 Task Forces (currently there are 10 Task Forces)
  • Facilitates dialogue and resolution of issues affecting border communities
  • Coordinates a Border Project Funding Program
  • Provides timely and accurate information to border stakeholders
  • Maintains a repository of documents on U.S.-Mexico border issues
  • Makes presentations and serves on border issues panels

Contacting the San Diego Border Office

San Diego Border Liaison Office
610 West Ash St., Suite 905
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (619) 235-4765
Fax: (619) 235-4771

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