The EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Program newsletters are produced for distribution to the 148 tribes served by the region. They contain news and events of interest to tribal communities including: environmental news, upcoming meetings, webinars and training, grants, jobs and internships.
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EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter, December 2016 (PDF)(7 pp, 306 K,
Input from Tribes, New Webpage, Preventing Vector-Born-Disease, Upcoming Opportunities, BIA Student Internship Job Announcements, New Request for EPA Proposals – FY 2017 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grant Guideline, Grants, and more!
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter, November 2016 (PDF)(5 pp, 545 K,
24th Annual RTOC and Tribal EPA Conference, Glen Canyon Dam, New EPA Website Promoting Rights of Indigeneous Peoples, EPA Seeking Water Quality Input, Federal Baseline Water Quality Standards (WQS) for Indian Reservations, Tribal EPA Science Bulletin, and Upcoming Opportunities.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter, October 2016 (PDF)(6 pp, 201 K,
Initiatives to Advance Tribal Sovereignty, Tribal Input Requested, Nevada Native Nations Land Act, National Tribal Waste Management Peer Matching Program, New EPA Webpage promoting Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Justice, grants, training, and workshops.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter, September 2016 (PDF)(4 pp, 1 MB,
2016 Summer RTOC Meeting, EPA’s Fourth Annual Tribal Leaders Listening Session w/ Administrator Gina McCarthy, EPA Seeking Water Quality Input from Tribes on Reissued Army Corps of Engineers General Permits, New ITEP Course: Waste Diversion Strategies and Tribal Food Sovereignty, and more.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Newsletter for Summer 2016 (PDF)(3 pp, 302 K,
Lori Lewis Retirement, Grant Support to the National Tribal Water Council (NTWC), Vector Borne Diseases Workshop, Summer RTOC, EPA STAR Tribal Grantee Meeting, WaterSmart Conference, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) online training.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for May 2016 (PDF)(4 pp, 672 K,
Spring RTOC Meeting, Source Reduction Assistance Program Awards, Indian Community Development Block Grants, Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grants, Tribal EcoAmbassadors Program, Energy and Mineral Development Grants, upcoming webinars, and more.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for April 2016 (PDF)(3 pp, 158 K,
AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants, Tranportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grants, ITEP On-Site Mentoring Available, Latest on Lead and Healthy Housing, Maximizing Solid Waste Management Plans, Focus on Air Quality, EPA's New Tool C-FERST, and more!
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for March 2016 (PDF)(4 pp, 231 K,
Inter-tribal Technical Assistance Energy Awards, Pre-Disaster and Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants, Tribal Lands and Environment Forum, Available Classes and Training.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for February 2016 (PDF)(3 pp, 211 K,
Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants, hazardous waste emergency response training, webinars, call for information on indoor air quality.
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for January 2016 (PDF)(4 pp, 787 K,
Clean Air Act Grants, Rurual Energy for America Program FY16, Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants, Tribal Resource Forum, Hosts for Interns, EPA Toughens Ozone Standards
EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal Section Newsletter for September/October 2015 (PDF)(4 pp, 246 K,
Indian Community Development Block Grants, Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants, 2016 Exchange Network Grants Program, Bioassessment Training, Tribal Science Series, Feedback Requested on Treaty Rights, Enforcement Initiatives Comment opportunity, Farewells.
- Tribal Program Newsletter, February 2015 (PDF)(3 pp, 781 K)
- Tribal Program Newsletter, March-April 2015 (PDF)(5 pp, 395 K)
- Tribal Program Newsletter, June-July 2015 (PDF)(4 pp, 863 K)
- Tribal Program Newsletter, May 2015 (PDF)(6 pp, 661 K)
- Tribal Program Newsletter, August 2015 (PDF)(3 pp, 160 K)
Weighing Risks to Children from Dogs Wearing Seresto Collars (PDF)(2 pp, 221 K,
At the Vector-Borne Diseases (VBD) Workshop hosted by Region 9 on August 8, 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presented information about its work with American Indian communities in Arizona to control Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) after an outbreak of the vector-borne disease.