Guidance for Applying Quantitative Data to Develop Data-Derived Extrapolation Factors for Interspecies and Intraspecies Extrapolation |
2014 |
Guidance Document, Toxicokinetic, Toxicodynamic |
Guideline for Microbial Risk Assessment: Pathogenic Microorganisms with Focus on Food and Water |
2012 |
Guidance Document, Pathogens |
Guidance Document on the Development, Evaluation and Application of Environmental Models |
2009 |
Guidance Document, Models |
Guide to Considering Children's Health When Developing EPA Actions: Implementing Executive Order 13045 and EPA's Policy on Evaluating Health Risks to Children |
2006 |
Guidance Document, Children |
Guidance on Selecting Age Groups for Monitoring and Assessing Childhood Exposures to Environmental Contaminants (Final) |
2006 |
Guidance Document, Age Group Selection |
Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment |
2005 |
Guidance Document, Cancer |
Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens |
2005 |
Guidance Document, Cancer |
Guidance on Cumulative Risk Assessment of Pesticides with a Common Mechanism of Toxicity |
2002 |
Guidance Document, Pesticides |
Guidelines for Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment |
1998 |
Guidance Document, Neurotoxicity |
Guiding Principles for Monte Carlo Analysis |
1997 |
Guidance Document |
Guidelines for Reproductive Toxicity Risk Assessment |
1996 |
Guidance Document, Reproductive Toxicity |
Guidelines for Exposure Assessment |
1992 |
Guidance Document, Exposure |
Guidelines for Developmental Toxicity Risk Assessment |
1991 |
Guidance Document, Developmental Toxicity |
Guidelines for Mutagenicity Risk Assessment |
1986 |
Guidance Document, Chemical Mixtures |
Guidelines for the Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures |
1986 |
Guidance Document, Children |
A Framework for Assessing Health Risk of Environmental Exposures to Children |
2006 |
Children |
A Review of the Reference Dose and Reference Concentration Processes |
2002 |
Reference |
Alpha2u-Globulin: Association with Chemically Induced Renal Toxicity and Neoplasia in the Male Rat |
1991 |
Toxicity |
A Summary of General Assessment Factors for Evaluating the Quality of Scientific and Technical Information |
2003 |
Factors |
Assessment of Thyroid Follicular Cell Tumors |
1998 |
Benchmark Dose Technical Guidance |
2012 |
Calculating Preliminary Remediation Goals |
Region 8 |
Conflicts of Interest Review Process for Contractor-Managed Peer Reviews of EPA Highly Influential Scientific Assessment (HISA) and Influential Scientific Information (ISI) Documents |
2013 |
Peer Review |
Considerations for Developing a Dosimetry-Based Cumulative Risk Assessment Approach for Mixtures of Environmental Contaminants |
2009 |
Cumulative Risk |
Contingencies for EPA Region 8's Evaluation and Response for Various Levels of Dioxins Measured in Denver's Front Range Reference Surface Soils (Figure 3) |
1999 |
Region 8 |
Criteria for Evaluating Blood Lead Data Quality and Use |
1995 |
Region 8 |
Cumulative Health Risk Assessment of Multiple Chemicals, Exposures, and Effects: A Resource Document |
2008 |
Cumulative Risk |
Guidance on Cumulative Risk Assessment: Part 1. Planning & Scoping |
1997 |
Cumulative Risk |
Denver Front Range Study of Dioxins and Surface Soil Summary Report |
2002 |
Region 8 |
Dioxin Toxicity Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for Human Health |
2010 |
EPA Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 5.0 Fundamentals and User Guide |
EPA Scientific Integrity Policy |
2012 |
Policies |
EPA's Strategic Plan for Evaluating the Toxicity of Chemicals |
2009 |
Chemicals |
Estimating Site-Specific Exposure to Contaminants in Indoor Dust |
1995 |
Region 8 |
Evaluating and Identifying Contaminants of Concern for Human Health |
1994 |
Region 8 |
Exploration of Aging and Toxic Response |
2001 |
Aging |
Exploration of Perinatal Pharmacokinetic Issues |
2001 |
Children |
Exposure Factors Handbook |
2011 |
Exposure |
Framework for Cumulative Risk Assessment |
2003 |
Cumulative Risk |
Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment to Inform Decision Making |
2014 |
Risk Management |
Framework for Metals Risk Assessment |
2007 |
Metals |
Handbook for Non-Cancer Health Effects Valuation |
2000 |
Cancer |
Harmonized Test Guidelines |
Tests |
Libby Asbestos: Human Health Risk Assessment |
2014 |
Region 8 |
Model Site Conceptual Model for RI/FS Baseline Risk Assessments of Human and Ecological Health |
1995 |
Region 8 |
Model Statement of Work for RI/FS Baseline Risk Assessments of Human Health |
1994 |
Region 8 |
Nanotechnology White Paper |
2007 |
Nanotechnology |
PCBs: Cancer Dose-Response Assessment |
1996 |
Cancer |
Peer Review Handbook - 4th Edition |
2015 |
Peer Review |
Standard operating procedures for residential pesticide exposure assessment |
2012 |
Pesticides, Residential |
Revised methods for worker risk assessment |
2014 |
Pesticides, Worker |
Indirect Dietary Residential Exposure Assessment Model (IDREAM) Implementation |
2015 |
Pesticides, Exposure |
Available information on assessing exposure from pesticides in food—A User’s Guide |
2007 |
Pesticides, Food |
Framework for assessing non-occupational, non-dietary (residential) exposure to pesticides |
1998 |
Pesticides, Non-dietary |
General principles for performing aggregate exposure and risk assessments |
2001 |
Pesticides, Aggregate |
Determination of the appropriate FQPA safety factor(s) in tolerance assessment |
2002 |
Pesticides, Safety, Tolerance |
Choosing a percentile of acute dietary exposure as a threshold of regulatory concern |
2000 |
Pesticides, Regulatory |
Guidance for considering and using open literature studies to support human health risk assessment |
2012 |
Pesticides, Literature Studies |
Guidance for waiving or bridging of mammalian acute toxicity tests for pesticides and pesticide products |
2012 |
Pesticides, Toxicity Tests |
Advances in genetic toxicology and integration of in vivo testing into standard repeat dose studies |
Pesticides, Toxicology |
Use of the local lymph node assay and reduced dose protocol for LLNA in assessing pesticide products |
2011 |
Pesticides, Assessment |
Process for establishing and implementing alternative approaches to traditional in vivo acute toxicity studies |
2014 |
Pesticides, Vivo Acute Toxicity |
Acute oral toxicity up-and-down procedure |
2002 |
Pesticides, Oral |
Developing a tiered framework for extrapolation modeling |
2014 |
Pesticides, Extrapolation |
Alternate testing framework for classification of eye irritation potential of EPA-regulated pesticide products |
2015 |
Pesticides, Classification |
Guidance for thyroid assays in pregnant animals, fetuses and post-natal animals, and adult animals |
2005 |
Pesticides, Thyroid |
Part 158 toxicology data requirements: guidance for neurotoxicity battery, subchronic inhalation, subchronic dermal and immunotoxicity studies |
2013 |
Pesticides, Neurotoxicity |
Occupational pesticide handler exposure data |
2015 |
Pesticides, Handler |
Occupational pesticide post-application exposure data |
Pesticides, Post-Application |
Guidance for identifying pesticide chemicals and other substances that have a common mechanism of toxicity |
1999 |
Pesticides, Toxicity |
Guidance on cumulative risk assessment of pesticide chemicals that have a common mechanism of toxicity |
2002 |
Pesticides, Toxicity |
Consideration of the FQPA safety factor and other uncertainty factors in cumulative risk assessment of chemicals sharing a common mechanism of toxicity |
2002 |
Pesticides, Safety, Assessment |
The use of data on cholinesterase inhibition for risk assessments of organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides |
2000 |
Pesticides, Inhibition |
Policy on Evaluating Risk to Children |
1995 |
Children |
Potential Implications of Genomics for Regulatory and Risk Assessment Applications at EPA |
2004 |
Genomics |
Probabilistic Methods to Enhance the Role of Risk Analysis in Decision-Making (External Review Draft) |
2009 |
Risk Management |
Probabilistic Analysis in Risk Assessment |
1997 |
Provisional Guidance for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
1993 |
Chemicals |
Radiation Protection Document Library |
Radiation |
Recommended Use of Body Weight 3/4 as the Default Method in Derivation of the Oral Reference Dose |
2011 |
Regional Removal Management Levels (RMLs) User's Guide |
2015 |
RMLs |
Region 4 Human Health Risk Assessment Supplemental Guidance |
2014 |
Region 4 |
Region 8: An in vitro method for estimation of arsenic relative bioavailability in soil |
2013 |
Region 8 |
Region 8: Background Soil Arsenic Concentrations (XLS) (2.5MB) |
1999 |
Region 8 |
Region 8: Measurement of Arsenic Relative Bioavailability in Swine |
2013 |
Region 8 |
Region 8: Validation of an In Vitro Bioaccessibility Test Method for Estimation of Bioavailability of Arsenic from Soil and Sediment |
2012 |
Region 8 |
Report of the Workshop on Selecting Input Distributions for Probabilistic Assessments |
1999 |
Research Plan for Endocrine Disruptors |
1998 |
Endocrine |
Risk Characterization Handbook |
2000 |
Risk Communication |
Sample Analysis and Quality Assurance Plan for Urinary Arsenic and Blood Lead Among Residents of VBI70 Neighborhoods |
2002 |
Region 8 |
Sampling Manual for IEUBK Model (1996) |
1996 |
Region 8 |
Scientific and Ethical Approaches for Observational Exposure Studies |
2009 |
Standard Operating Procedure: In Vitro Bioacessibility (IVBA) Procedure for Arsenic |
2012 |
Region 8 |
Standard Operating Procedures for Residential Pesticide Exposure Assessment |
2012 |
Chemicals |
Summary Report for the Workshop on Issues Associated with Dermal Exposure and Uptake |
2000 |
Summary Report for the Workshop on the Relationship Between Exposure Duration and Toxicity |
1999 |
Toxicity |
Summary Report of the Technical Workshop on Issues Associated with Considering Developmental Changes in Behavior and Anatomy When Assessing Exposure to Children |
2001 |
Children |
Test Method Collections |
2008 |
Tests |