Nitrogen Dioxide Designations

2010 Nitrogen Dioxide Standards - State Recommendations and EPA Responses

EPA's Final Designations

All areas have been designated as unclassifiable/attainment.

Areas Designated under the 2010 Air Quality Standards

States submitted recommendations to EPA for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) attainment and nonattainment areas in 2011. Some states submitted additional recommendations in 2010 based on more recent or new monitoring data.

State area designations for the 2010 NO2 air quality standards are summarized here.

Tribal information is available on the Tribal Recommendations page.

Recommendation Documents

The documents listed below are state and tribe responses to EPA's request for recommendations on the designation of areas for the NO2 standard and EPA's responses to those submittals. These responses are provided here in PDF format for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and do not represent EPA's views on the appropriateness or adequacy of a state's or a tribe's recommendations.

The quality of these PDF files is quite variable and is the result of the quality of the documents provided by the states.

Alabama Delaware Indiana Michigan New Jersey Oregon Utah
Alaska District of Columbia Iowa Minnesota New Mexico Pennsylvania Vermont
American Samoa Florida Kansas Mississippi New York Puerto Rico Virgin Islands
Arizona Georgia Kentucky Missouri North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia
Arkansas Guam Louisiana Montana North Dakota South Carolina Washington
California Hawaii Maine Nebraska Northern Mariana Islands South Dakota West Virginia
Colorado Idaho Maryland Nevada Ohio Tennessee Wisconsin
Connecticut Illinois Massachusetts New Hampshire Oklahoma Texas Wyoming