New Bedford Harbor

Final Water Quality Monitoring Summary Report, 2013 Remedial Dredging, OU1, August 2014

In 2013, remediation activities at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site included hydraulic dredging and excavation of contaminated sediments from the upper harbor. Water quality monitoring was performed during remediation activities as part of an environmental monitoring program with the goal to minimize potential ecological impacts that could be caused by the resuspension of contaminated sediment into the water column during operations. Data and observations resulting from the water quality monitoring were used to document background conditions and identify the extent of impacts potentially resulting from remediation operations. The water quality monitoring program helped to ensure that dredging activities were conducted in a manner that did not produce extensive turbidity plumes or cause unacceptable impacts to water quality, such as contaminant transport or hindrance of the seasonal migrations of anadromous fish within the Acushnet River. This report presents the scope, monitoring methods, decision criteria used, field and analytical results and key findings from the water quality monitoring performed during the 2013 dredge season.

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