Manistique River Area of Concern

The Manistique Riverin Michigan was designated as an Area of Concern under the 1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. $5.2 million from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is being used to remediate and restore this AOC for removal from the binational list of AOCs.

Latest News

There has been significant progress in improving water quality in the AOC over the last twenty years.

  • Over 111,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediments have been removed for treatment and disposal. However, some beneficial uses in the AOC continue to be impaired due to historical pollution concerns.
  • The Manistique River Public Advisory Council voted to adopt the delisting targets included in the Guidance for Delisting Michigan's Great Lakes Areas of Concern (PDF) Exit.
  • A local habitat committee was formed to develop a local delisting target for the Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat beneficial use impairment.
  • Great Lakes AOCs Status Map