Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)

GHGRP 2010: Reported Data

For reporting year 2010, over 6,200 facilities in nine industry sectors reported 3.2 billion tons carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) of direct emissions. The facilities reported direct emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. In 2011, twelve additional sources began monitoring GHG data and will report GHG data in 2012.

EPA prepares the annual Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (Inventory) report to track total national emissions of greenhouse gases. The Inventory presents national estimates of GHG emissions starting in 1990 and for each subsequent year. The GHGRP represents a subset of the national estimates and covered roughly 80 percent of total U.S. GHG emissions in 2010. The GHGRP’s coverage will increase to 85-90% of total U.S. GHG emissions in 2012. More information.

2010 Data Highlights Reported to GHGRP

All 2010 data presented here reflects data reported to the GHGRP as of 4/6/12.

  • 2010 Reporting: Location of direct-emitting facilities
  • Most of the 2010 reported greenhouse gas emissions were from combustion.
  • About 5% of the facilities emitted 60% of 2010 reported emissions.
  • Power plants accounted for about 73% of 2010 reported emissions.
  • Approximately 800 suppliers reported more than 3 billion metric tons CO2e.

Select the industry sectors in the table below for a profile of sector emissions.
Download this table (XLSX).

Table 1: GHGRP Sector Classifications

Industry Sector Number of Reporters Emissions
(million metric tons CO2e)
Power Plants 1,562 2,326
Government and Commercial 172 14
  • Universities 108 9.5
  • Military 38 3
  • Commercial 3 0.2
  • Hospitals 15 0.6
  • Other Government 8 0.4
Refineries 145 183
Chemicals 548 172
  • Adipic Acid Production 2 5.9
  • Ammonia Manufacturing 22 25.2
  • HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction Processes Production 5 6.9
  • Hydrogen Production 101 32.5
  • Nitric Acid Production 36 12.7
  • Petrochemical Production 63 50.1
  • Phosphoric Acid Production 10 1.9
  • Silicon Carbide Production 1 0.1
  • Soda Ash Manufacturing 4 5.1
  • Titanium Dioxide Production 7 2.5
  • Other Chemicals  321 29.1
Waste 1,202 107
Metals 269 100
  • Aluminum Production 9 4.8
  • Ferroalloy Production 10 2.3
  • Iron and Steel Production 123 82.8
  • Lead Production 12 0.9
  • Zinc Production 6 0.8
  • Other Metals 109 8.5
Minerals 352 95
  • Cement Production 97 54.1
  • Glass Production 108 8.1
  • Lime Manufacturing 70 29.1
  • Other Minerals 77 3.4
Pulp and Paper 228 47
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturing 110 32.9
  • Other Paper Producers 118 13.7
Other Industrial 1,782 156
  • Oil and Natural Gas 973 78.9
  • Food Processing 277 31.4
  • Ethanol Production 158 17.4
  • Manufacturing 169 8.1
  • Other Industrial 205 20

* Biogenic emissions are NOT included in the total emissions.

Suppliers: 2010 Reporting

For calendar year 2010, approximately 800 suppliers reported more than 3 billion metric tons CO2e.

Suppliers are those entities that supply products into the economy which if combusted, released or oxidized emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These fuels and industrial gases are not emitted from the supplier facility but instead distributed throughout the country and used. An example of this is gasoline, which is sold in the U.S. and primarily burned in cars throughout the country. The majority of GHG emissions associated with the transportation, residential and commercial sectors are accounted for by these suppliers.

Reported emissions may or may not be totally emitted in the future. However, the data from suppliers provide important information on the structure and flow of greenhouse gas products through the economy. In addition, reporting by fossil fuel and industrial gas suppliers can account for greenhouse gas emissions by the many low-emitting sources that are not required to report emissions under the GHGRP. Emissions reported by suppliers can be accessed through the suppliers section of the Greenhouse Gas Data Publication Tool.

How You Can Obtain the GHGRP Data

Use the data publication tool to view maps of facility locations, obtain summary data for individual facilities, create customized searches, and display search results graphically.

Download files with all the emissions and non-confidential data in Excel format.