
EnviroAtlas Fact Sheets

Data Fact Sheets are a vital resource for EnviroAtlas users. They provide detail, guidance, and references for the 300+ data layers featured in the Interactive Map. Data Fact Sheets can be quickly and easily accessed with the Dynamic Data Matrix, or directly from within the Interactive Map. Project Fact Sheets provide broad, high-level context for the project and its major components.

Quick and Easy Search

  • The interactive functionality of the Dynamic Data Matrix makes it easy and fun to search all 300+ Data Fact Sheets. 
  • Each entry includes a description of the layer, the benefit categories under which it can be found, and a link to the layer's fact sheet.

Access within the Interactive Map

  • Data Fact Sheets, and several other layer-specific resources, can be accessed through the Interactive Map by clicking the blue "info" icon The Interactive Map table of contents info menu icon found next to all data layers.

Community Summary Fact Sheets

  • Community Summary Fact Sheets provide an overview of EnviroAtlas communities and surrounding areas, highlighting some of the many data layers that are available.