Training for Drinking Water Laboratory Certification
- Certification officer training
- Certification officer training course schedule
- Training on Cryptosporidium sample collection and analysis
- Recommended resources for Cryptosporidium sample collection and analysis
Certification officer training
EPA conducts chemistry and microbiology certification officer training courses, typically annually.
In general, training attendees:
- Are experienced professionals nominated by their regional laboratory certification program manager to attend the training
- Have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent education, experience or both in the discipline they will certify
- Have recent laboratory experience in the discipline they will audit
Certification officer training course schedule
Laboratory certification officer training course candidates are to be nominated by the EPA regional laboratory certification program managers.
- The chemistry course will be offered in Cincinnati, Ohio from July 18-22, 2016.
- The microbiology course will be offered in Cincinnati, Ohio from July 25-29, 2016.
- The cryptosporidium course will be offered as 40 hours of online training (10 hours per week) from September 6-30, 2016.
Training on Cryptosporidium sample collection and analysis
The following training modules and videos provide guidance and instruction to utility and laboratory personnel on Cryptosporidium sample collection and analysis in support of the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) Rule.
Save the .zip file, then open from the saved location.
Double click on the respective Module folder.
Double click on the "click_here" icon to open the module.
Your browser may display an alert regarding ActiveX controls. If you see this alert, click on the Alert line and select ‘Allow Blocked Content’, then click ‘Yes’ to the security warning.
To help ensure that the video displays properly, you may need to edit the Flash Player settings as follows:
On the left hand side, click on the "Global Security Settings" panel.
Under the tab "Global Security Settings," in the box that says "Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager," click "edit locations."
Choose "add location," type in "C:\" and select "Confirm" - "C:\" should now be under the "always trust files in these locations" box.
Refresh the module’s browser window (F5).
- Sample Collection (ZIP)(1 pg, 60 MB)
This module details the sampling procedures for bulk sample collection and field filtration, and provides instruction on proper sample packing and shipping.- LT2 Rule Cryptosporidium & E. coli Sample Collection Recommendations - Pocket Guide (PDF)(6 pp, 1.1 MB, About PDF) EPA 817-K-06-002
- Basic Microscopy (ZIP)(1 pg, 20 MB)
This module assists analysts in the proper use and maintenance of a microscope as used to detect Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Method 1623. - Microscopic Identification (ZIP)(1 pg, 14 MB)
This module helps analysts properly identify and characterize Cryptosporidium and Giardia using Method 1623. The module includes characterization by FITC, DAPI and DIC of positive control organisms and interfering organisms. - Immunomagnetic Separation (ZIP)(1 pg, 27 MB)
This module details the immunomagnetic separation (IMS) procedure used in EPA Method 1623 to separate Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts from extraneous debris in a water sample.
Recommended resources for Cryptosporidium sample collection and analysis
- Overview of US EPA Cryptosporidium and Giardia Detection Methods (YouTube)(Run Time 10.7 minutes)
This video provides an overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Cryptosporidium and Giardia Detection Methods. - Cryptosporidium in Water: Reviewing Laboratory Reports (YouTube)(Run Time 2.5 minutes)
This video describes key review elements to increase one's understanding of laboratory reports and quality control for Cryptosporidium analyses. - Cryptosporidium Analysis: Using a Dispersant (YouTube)(Run Time 2.4 minutes)
This video demonstrates the new dispersant addition procedure, detailed in the recently published Method 1623.1, that improves Cryptosporidium recovery from difficult matrices. - Frequently Asked Questions: State Approval and Oversight of Cryptosporidium Laboratories Supporting LT2 Monitoring
- Supplement 2 to the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water