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EPA Docket Center Reading Room

The EPA Docket Center Reading Room at EPA headquarters in Washington, DC, allows the public to access docket materials. This includes some materials unavailable on Regulations.gov, such as copyrighted information, pre-digital dockets, oversize items and large data sets/databases. However, information for which disclosure is restricted by statute (such as confidential business information) is not available for public access.

Directions and Visitor Instructions

The EPA Docket Center Reading Room is located in the William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) West building at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC. Public access is provided through the entrance on Constitution Avenue.  For detailed directions, refer to the Federal Triangle Campus tab on EPA’s Visiting EPA Headquarters webpage.

Note: William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) West, like most other federal office buildings, is governed by strict security requirements for visitors. To ensure that you will be permitted entry, please familiarize yourself with these requirements (viewable on the Building Access tab of the Visiting EPA Headquarters webpage) before you departing for your visit. 

Having Trouble?

If you are having trouble locating EPA docket materials, contact the EPA Reading Room Staff for assistance by calling (202) 566-1744, or send a message to Dockets Customer Service (Docket-customerservice@epa.gov). Please do not submit comments on specific dockets to this e-mail address. 

For problems with the Regulations.gov website, please contact the Regulations.gov help desk.  

For questions about a specific docket, please use the phone number for the appropriate program docket found on the Where to Send Comments page. If you are having trouble viewing a regional docket, refer to the Federal Register Notice for the appropriate contact. Not sure if it is a regional docket? Visit Understanding Docket IDs for help.