Diesel Emissions Quantifier (DEQ)
Clean Diesel Helpline: 1-877-623-2322 cleandiesel (cleandiesel@epa.gov)
The Diesel Emissions Quantifier (DEQ) is an interactive tool that evaluates clean diesel projects and options for medium-heavy and heavy-heavy duty diesel engines by estimating baseline emissions, reduced emissions, cost effectiveness and health benefits. This quantifier was developed for users with little or no modeling experience. Results may be used to estimate or compare the benefits of diesel emission projects or for Clean Diesel grants.
The DEQ may not be used for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and Conformity. Please consult your EPA Regional Office or relevant SIP and conformity guidance documents.
The DEQ does not provide estimates for
- light-heavy duty, non-heavy duty, gasoline or pre-1980 engines
- C3 marine diesel engines used on ocean going vessels and lakers
- black carbon or greenhouse gas reductions, except for CO2 when fuel usage is reduced
- health benefits from NOx, HC and CO reductions
Before using the DEQ, please also read:
- Input Check list to learn what inputs you'll need, some basic terms and how to get the most accurate results.
- Results and Outputs to learn how to download and interpret your results.
- More Help for FAQs and other documentation.
Other Emission Reduction Calculators
Users with air quality modeling experience may wish to use one of EPA’s more technical models for quantifying the benefits of retrofit projects.
- Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) for on-road vehicles
- NONROAD Model for nonroad engines, equipment, and vehicles
- SmartWay Tools for shippers, logistics companies, and truck, multimodal, rail, barge and air carriers
- Argonne National Laboratory GREET Model for lifecycle emissions from vehicles and fuels