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Clean Diesel National Grants

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Eligible Uses of Funding and Related Cost-Share

DERA Project Eligibility and Cost-Share Overview is a summary of eligible project types and related cost-share for these projects under the 2016 National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program.

Eligible diesel vehicles, engines and equipment include:

  • School buses
  • Class 5 – Class 8 heavy-duty highway vehicles
  • Locomotive engines
  • Marine engines
  • Nonroad engines, equipment or vehicles used in construction, handling of cargo (including at ports or airports), agriculture, mining or energy production (including stationary generators and pumps).

Grant funds may be used for clean diesel projects include:

Funds awarded under this program cannot be used to fund emission reductions mandated by federal law. Equipment for testing emissions or fueling infrastructure is not eligible for funding.

Please refer to the full RFP for specific information about this competition.

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Eligible Applicants

The following U.S. entities are eligible to apply for Clean Diesel National Grants:

  • Regional, state, local or tribal agencies/consortia or port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality
  • Nonprofit organizations or institutions that represent or provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that own or operate diesel fleets or have the promotion of transportation or air quality as their principal purpose.

School districts, municipalities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), cities and counties are all eligible entities to the extent that they fall within the definition above.

Please refer to the full RFP for specific information about this competition.

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Grant Process

The RFP includes information on how to prepare and submit a proposal package. The proposal package must be received by the deadline and include the following documents:

  • Project Narrative (no more than 11 pages)
  • Standard Form SF 424 – Application for Federal Assistance
  • Standard Form SF 424A – Budget Information
  • Applicant Fleet Description information (not included in page limit)
  • Cost-Share Commitment Letters, if applicable (not included in page limit)
  • Letters of Support/Partnership, if applicable (not included in page limit)
  • Mandated Measures Justification Supporting Information, if applicable (not included in page limit)

After the closing date, all eligible applications will be reviewed and ranked. Selected projects may be fully or partially funded.

Please refer to the full RFP for specific information about this competition.

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Tools and Resources for Applicants

Reporting Templates for Grantees

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