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Clean Air Act Permitting in California

Clean Air Act permitting in California is the shared responsibility of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), its 35 air pollution control agencies (districts) and EPA Region 9. Generally, CARB plays an oversight role for permitting and does not issue any pre-construction or operating permits. However, that state agency provides significant support to agencies that need permitting assistance. Below are links to district information maintained on CARB's website, as well as a link to local district rules approved by EPA into the California State Implementation Plan (SIP) and the Federally Approved Title V program.

On this Page:

California District Contact Information and Local Rules

California SIP-Approved Permitting Programs

Air Pollution Control Agencies in California submit portions of their locally adopted rules through the California Air Resources Board to EPA for approval to meet federal requirements. Thus, state and local air agencies may have either more rules than what is submitted for SIP approval. In addition, some agencies make changes to their rules that may not have been submitted for approval into the SIP or have yet to be acted on by EPA if submitted into the SIP. Below is a link to the California SIP approved rules. As mentioned above, these rules may differ from the list of current rules in each of the 35 Air Distiricts. For purposes of federal enforce-ability, the EPA approved rules must be used.

Federally Approved Title V Programs for California

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Similar to State Implementation Plan Rules, in California title V program rules are submitted to EPA for approval to meet federal requirements under 40 CFR part 70.  Below is a table with links to the federally approved Operating Permit Programs for California Agencies.

District Approval Date FR Citation District Rule #
Federally Approved - California Title V Operating Permits Programs
Amador County APCD


68 FR 65637

Rule 500(35 pp, 117K)
Antelope Valley AQMD      
Bay Area AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 2-6 (PDF)(21 pp, 186K)
Butte County AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 1101 (PDF)(31 pp, 193K)
Calaveras County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Reg. X (PDF)(32 pp, 93K) 
Colusa County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637

Rule 3.17 (PDF)(29 pp, 135K)

Eastern Kern County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
El Dorado County AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 522 (PDF) (42 pp, 136K) 
Feather River AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 10.3 (PDF) (133 pp, 66K)
Glenn County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Article VIII (PDF) (43 pp, 78K)
Great Basin Unified APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 217 (PDF) (30 pp, 312K)
Imperial County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 900 (PDF) (36 pp, 88K) 
Lake County AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
Lassen County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Reg. VII (PDF) (24 pp, 206K) 
Mariposa County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Reg. X (PDF) (28 pp, 170K) 
Mendocino County AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Comment Letter (PDF) (55 pp, 1.7MB) 
Modoc County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 2.13 (PDF) (28 pp, 75K) 
Mojave Desert AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Reg. XII (PDF) (50  pp, 856K) 
Monterey Bay Unified APCD 9/5/2012 77 FR 54382  
North Coast Unified AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
Northern Sierra AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
Northern Sonoma County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Reg. 5 (PDF) (38 pp, 155K)
Placer County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 507 (PDF) (46 pp, 106K)
Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
San Diego County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 2520 (PDF) (39 pp, 81K)
San Luis Obispo County APCD 9/5/2012 77 FR 54382 Rule 216 (PDF) (24 pp, 248K)
Santa Barbara County APCD 9/5/2012 77 FR 54382  
Shasta County AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637  
Siskiyou County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 2.13 (PDF) (24 pp, 248K) 
South Coast AQMD 9/5/2012 77 FR 54382  
Tehama County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 7:1 (PDF) (39 pp, 156K)
Tuolumne County APCD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 500 (PDF) (37 pp, 156K)
Ventura County APCD 9/5/2012 77 FR 54382  
Yolo-Solano AQMD 11/21/2003 68 FR 65637 Rule 3.8 (PDF)(40 pp, 164K)

In addition, as part of its oversight responsibilities, EPA Region 9 has conducted Title V program evaluations for the largest permitting authorities in California.

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Regional 9 Air Permits Contact for California Air Districts

Northern California Contacts for the following Districts: Amador County APCD, Bay Area AQMD, Butte County AQMD, Calaveras County APCD, Colusa County APCD, El Dorado County AQMD, Feather River AQMD, Glenn County APCD, Great Basin Unified APCD, Lake County AQMD, Lassen County APCD, Mariposa County APCD, Mendocino County AQMD, Modoc County APCD, North Coast Unified AQMD, Northern Sierra AQMD, Northern Sonoma County APCD, Placer County APCD, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD, Shasta County AQMD, Siskiyou County APCD, Tehama County APCD, Tuolumne County APCD, Yolo-Solano AQMD.

EPA Staff Phone
Eugene Chen
(415) 947-4304
Larry Maurin
(415) 972-3943
Manny Aquitania
(415) 972-3977
Shaheerah Kelly
(415) 947-4156

Central California Contacts

District EPA Staff Phone
Monterey Bay
Sheila Tsai
(415) 972-3328
San Joaquin Laura Yannayon
(415) 972-3534

San Luis Obispo

San Joaquin

Lornette Harvey
(415) 972-3498
San Joaquin Manny Aquitania
(415) 972-3977

Southern California Contacts

District EPA Staff Phone
Antelope Valley
Mojave Desert
South Coast
Lisa Beckham
(415) 972-3811
Antelope Valley
Mojave Desert
South Coast
Lornette Harvey
(415) 972-3498



Sheila Tsai
(415) 972-3328
Eastern Kern
San Diego
South Coast
La Weeda Ward
(213) 244-1812
Santa Barbara Larry Maurin 
(415) 972-3943

EPA Region 9 is responsible for issuing permits on Tribal Lands in California. 

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