Use C-FERST to Explore and Learn about Environmental Issues

C-FERST has information to help you explore and learn about environmental issues. The Environmental Issue Profiles contain links and data from various sources inside and outside EPA for issues and concerns commonly identified by communities. The Issue Profiles include links for exposure and risk reduction options and for community and tribal projects. Use these to explore and learn about environmental issues and to see what other communities have done.

Example: Exploring an Environmental Issue Profile in C-FERST

Person typing on an laptop with a map on the screen

This example will demonstrate how to access and explore an Environmental Issue Profile in C-FERST. Environmental Issue Profiles are helpful for providing information on specific environmental issues of concern. These can provide a starting point for gathering more information on these concerns.

Get Started: Explore Issue Profiles


Example: Exploring Exposure and Risk Reduction Options for Childhood Asthma in C-FERST

Young boy with inhaler at doctor's office

The Exposure and Risk Reduction Options section of the C-FERST Issue Profile contains links to exposure and risk reduction information for a variety of environmental issues. Below the Exposure and Risk Reduction section of the issue profile is the Community and Tribal Projects section where you can find links to information about EPA-supported community and tribal projects that have addressed a variety of environmental issues.  This example shows how to find exposure and risk reduction information, and relevant community and tribal projects, for childhood asthma and environmental tobacco smoke.

Get Started: Explore Exposure and Risk Reduction Options