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New Mexico: Bernalillo County, Albuquerque (A Former EPA CARE Project)

The summary below provides a description of a Albuquerque, New Mexico project that received a Level II cooperative agreement from EPA’s former Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) project in 2007. These case studies serve as historic references, and conditions since the project was funded may have changed.

The resources developed for this project provide communities with information about ways that other communities have addressed environmental issues. Communities can use these project results to reduce environmental impacts, understand risks and become stewards of their own environment.


Bernalillo County
Office of Environmental Health
Albuquerque, New Mexico
EPA Region 6

The Bernalillo County Office of Environmental Health (BCEH), New Mexico, is a recipient of the Level II CARE cooperative agreement. BCEH works with the community to preserve and protect a quality environment that assures optimum public health and safety. BCEH will use the CARE grant to help the South Valley neighborhood reduce health risks attributed to benzene and heavy metal exposures by conducting an environmental assessment of gasoline stations and auto dismantlers, and by and suggesting operating strategies to reduce contamination and exposures. South Valley is a predominately minority (78 percent Latino), under served community with relatively large amounts of heavy industry compared to other neighborhoods in Bernalillo County.  Business operators and community members will review proposed pollution reduction strategies, include policy development, and assess willingness of the collaborative to work together to reduce on-site contamination and environmental exposures.

Established CARE Partnership:  New Mexico Environment Department; South Valley Partners for Environmental Justice; Place Matters; The University of New Mexico; Community Environmental Health Program; Rio Grande Community Development Corp.; and Mountain View Neighborhood Association.