Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Solid Waste Projects
Resource Conservation Fund
Green Building
Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), Oakland, CA, FY02, $45,000
Sustainable Transit Leadership
BART is one of the largest transit authorities in the nation and one of the most prominent inter-city transit authorities in the world with more than 100 million riders per year. The project focused on incorporating green building design and practices for transit-specific application. BART revised their entire 6,000+ page Facility Standard to incorporate sustainable clauses, including requirements for construction and demolition debris recycling. In addition, BART, one of the largest parking garage owners in California, successfully piloted a ballasted lighting energy savings technology that resulted in 25% lighting energy savings with a 1.8 year payback period.
A fact sheet with additional project information is online
- BART Sustainable Transit Leadership Project Final Report (PDF) (29 pp, 193K)
- Transit Sustainability Guidelines (PDF) (50 pp, 1.1M)
Contact: Timonie Hood (, 415-972-3282
City and County of San Francisco, Department of the Environment
San Francisco, CA, FY04 $40,000
SF GreenPRINT Green Building Measurement Tool
Buildings have tremendous impacts on the environment and Construction and Demolition debris makes up approximately 40% of the total solid waste stream. The Green Building Project Reporting and Information Tool (SF GreenPRINT) is a web-based database that calculates the environmental and economic benefits of multiple green building projects. The system's transparent calculators can be adjusted to reflect local pollution emissions factors and costs associated with electricity and tipping fees. This powerful web-based tool can help measure the impacts of green building and promote improvements by comparing multiple projects.
For information go to SF GreenPRINT
Contact: Timonie Hood (, 415-972-3282