Contact Pacific Southwest Waste Program
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Pollution Prevention
FY 2014 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program (PDF) (44 pp, 503K)
Proposals are due by Thursday, March 20, 2014.
2012 Pollution Prevention Grant Summaries and Source Reduction Assistance Grant Summaries are now available online.
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Pollution Prevention Grants
Each year, Region 9's Pollution Prevention Team offers funding to our state, tribal, local, business, and community partners for Pollution Prevention (P2) projects. Below is a list of available P2 funding, information on previously awarded grants, and grant writing tips for potential applicants.
Available Funding
Pollution Prevention Grants for States
This program aims to build and support state Pollution Prevention capabilities. In Region 9, PPG is available to state agencies and federally-recognized tribes, territories and possessions in California, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Islands. PPG also funds testing of innovative P2 approaches and technologies. The PPIS grant program is announced each year in EPA's Federal Register.
Proposal Deadline is March 20, 2014.
Region 9 held a webinar on the Pollution Prevention Grant program on February 19, 2014.
View slides from the webinar (PDF) (23 pp, 5.6M)
National Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN)
This grant competition started in 1997 to promote sharing of P2 information, training and technical assistance expertise among states. Regional Centers receiving these grants call themselves the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX).
Source Reduction Funding — Promoting Source Reduction and Pollution Prevention
Region 9 is not offering these grants this year.
Other EPA grants, from the Water, Air or Waste programs, can also be used to support P2 programs. For a primarily regional list of available EPA funding and project grants, visit Region 9 Funding Sources for Communities. More national grants are also available.
Grant Writing Tips
Ever wondered what grant reviewers are looking for in a grant proposal? Curious about how to present your case most effectively? The Region 9 Pollution Prevention Team has put together a short set of grant writing tips to help you organize and present your proposal. Also posted below is an example of a high-quality project proposal, which demonstrates how to state clearly the scope, goals, and objectives of a project. Please feel free to call the Pollution Prevention Team for more information.
- Grant Writing Tips: Presentation (PDF) (14pp, 284k)
- Example: High-Quality Short Proposal (PDF) (5pp, 45k - Permission to distribute this proposal was granted by the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County.)