Vapor Intrusion

Vapor Intrusion Resources

On this page you will find EPA Technical Documents, Tools and Other Resources to Support Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation Activities


  • Vapor Intrusion Database — Contains site-specific measurements of vapor attenuation factors, which express the reduction in vapor concentrations as volatile contaminants move from sub-surface sources into indoor air.

Other Resources

Brownfields Technology Primer: Vapor Intrusion Considerations for Redevelopment (PDF) (49 pp, 1.2MB, About PDF)
The Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center has developed this primer for land revitalization stakeholders concerned about vapor intrusion, including property owners, municipalities, and real estate developers. This document provides an overview of vapor intrusion and how it can affect redevelopment. It also summarizes techniques for quickly and cost effectively assessing the potential for vapor intrusion, which can be implemented in consultation with qualified scientists and engineers.

Fact Sheet for Correcting the Henry's Law Constant for Temperature

Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels