
Superfund Contaminated Sediments: List of Sediments Sites

Tier 1 Superfund sites are defined as sites where the proposed sediment action will address more than 10,000 cubic yards or five acres of contaminated sediment. A list of Tier 1 sediment sites is provided below as a resource for contaminated sediment Regional Project Manager's, headquarters and regional technical staff, and others supporting the remedy decision making process at these sites. The list tracks the Tier 1 sites that have signed a decision document (Record of Decision (ROD) or Action Memo) and documents the remedy selected, the estimated and actual costs of the remedy, the contaminants of concern and the associated contaminated media, the Action Levels, the Clean-up Levels (CUL), the Remediation Goals (RG), and the Sediment Remedial Action Objectives (RAO). For those sites where the remedy has been implemented and a Five-year Review (FYR) has been completed, the list also documents whether monitoring was conducted for the FYR, data was presented in the report, and the CULs, RGs, and RAOs were met.

Although this version of the Tier 1 Tracking List does not contain links to RODs or FYRs, these documents can be located on the ROD and FYR search pages. Questions regarding this Tier 1 Tracking List can be directed to Matt Lambert (, EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation.

  • How to search for sediment sites
    • Click table column headings to sort alphabetically 
    • Filter the table by entering text into the search box 
    • Navigate to additional pages by clicking pagination links
    • Change the number of entries with the "show entries" dropdown
Search for Sediment Site Pages for Tier 1 Proposed, Final and Deleted NPL Sites and non-NPL SAA Sites*
Site Name Region State EPA ID NPL Status SAA?
Site Name Region State EPA ID NPL Status SAA?

*This list of sites is a subset of those found in the Tier 1 spreadsheet and is provided to assist with quickly accessing site profile pages.