Sulfuric Acid Plants: New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)

Rule Summary

Sulfuric acid is the largest volume chemical produced in the United States. It is used in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer, gasoline, inorganic chemicals, soaps and detergents, and dyes. It is produced through the combustion of elemental sulfur, the decomposition of sulfuric acid containing wastes, and as a byproduct from the production of nonferrous metals such as lead, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and gold.

The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Sulfuric Acid Plants regulate emissions of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfuric acid mist from sulfuric acid production facilities. However, the rule does not apply to process units that produce sulfuric acid to prevent SO2 emissions (e.g., such as occurs at some metallurgical plants).

See the regulations below for more details.

Rule History

08/26/1985 - Review of Standards

07/25/1977 - Final Rule

06/14/1974 - Amendments to the Rule

07/26/1972 - Correction to the Rule

12/23/1971 - Final Rule

08/17/1971 - Proposed Rule


Applicability Determination Index (ADI).  The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues.  The database is searchable by Subpart.