
SmartWay Program Successes

EPA’s SmartWay program proves that lowering carbon emissions from goods movement significantly strengthens supply chain performance and generates returns that positively affect the economy.

Here are some key statistics about the successes of the SmartWay program:

SmartWay Saves Oil and Supports Energy Independence

  • Since 2004, SmartWay has helped its partners save 170.3 million barrels of oil-- equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in over 6 million homes.
  • By helping the American freight industry reduce dependence on foreign fuel, we can invest more dollars at home and reduce our national trade deficit.

SmartWay Saves Money and Supports U.S. Business Interests

  • Working with SmartWay, U.S. businesses have saved $24.9 billion on fuel costs to date, lowering prices for the typical consumer while helping American truckers.
  • Tractor, trailer, and equipment suppliers to the U.S. trucking industry rely upon SmartWay to demonstrate the benefits of more efficient products to customers.

SmartWay Works with Thousands of Partners and Affiliates

  • More than 3,000 of the nation's carriers (truck, rail, barge, and multimodal), shippers, and logistics companies are SmartWay partners, continuing to improve efficiency within their transportation supply chains.
  • SmartWay counts among its partners a significant and growing number of Fortune 500 firms, representing a broad cross-section of industries.
  • SmartWay Affiliates work with the program to achieve environmental improvements and promote the benefits of SmartWay.
  • The Executive Order 13693 establishes ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions in federal government procurements. Federal agencies are expressly instructed to utilize SmartWay partners for deliveries and shipments.

SmartWay Helps to Protect the Health of Americans

  • Since 2004, SmartWay has helped partners avoid emitting 72.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, 1,458,000 tons of nitrogen oxides, and 59,000 tons of particulate matter, which helps counter climate change and keep Americans healthy.
  • These emissions reductions benefit communities near ports, borders, and truck stops the most, protecting the health and well-being of the citizens in these areas.

SmartWay is an International Leader in Green Freight

  • SmartWay is a seamless bi-national program jointly operated by both EPA and Natural Resources Canada and includes over 300 Canadian partners.
  • The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) works with the World Bank, governments, and major international organizations to engage SmartWay's technical assistance, methods, and tools.
  • SmartWay is an integral component of the CCAC Global Green Freight Action Plan, which aims to develop and implement green freight programs in other countries and regions.
  • SmartWay has developed a comprehensive training curriculum to help other countries build sustainable transportation supply chain programs of their own. The curriculum is available in English and four other languages.