San Francisco Bay Delta

Sears Point Tidal Marsh Restoration Project: Phase II

This project will restore tidal action to 960 acres and provide connectivity of tidal marsh habitat from the Sonoma Baylands to San Pablo Bay.  Restoration activities have been coordinated by the Sonoma Land Trust with CA Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). EPA funds will be directed to grading, lowering, and breaching of the existing levee; excavation of a new channel to connect the site to the Petaluma River Navigation Channel; installation of key public access features; initial establishment of a vegetated transition zone on the new levee; and monitoring.

Project Facts

Recipient: Sonoma Land Trust
Funding: $1,500,000 (non-federal match = $1,500,000)
Project Period: December 2014 – November 2018
Partners: US Fish and Wildlife Service, San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge, CDFW, Ducks Unlimited, San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

Environmental Results Summary: Sears Point Tidal Marsh Restoration Project: Phase II

OUTPUTS (Activities, efforts, and/or work product during project period)

OUTCOMES (Environmental results)

(1-5 yrs)


Construct two 285' breaches in existing levees

Dredge 2,100' connector channel

Lower 6,850' of existing levee

Grade 22,400' of existing levee

Seed up to 50 acres of levee

Open site for public access

Monitor water quality (DO, temp, pH, turbidity) and marsh development

Improve public access: Construct bridge, boardwalks, trails, picnic area, scenic overlook, and install interpretive signs

Restore hydrology to 960 acres

Improve sedimentation pathway and hydrologic connectivity

Create "instant marsh" on crest and sides of lowered levee

Restore tidal action to 960 acres

Full List of Project Summaries

San Francisco Bay Delta