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Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE)

Learn about Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE)

Find out about the database

New England communities are taking action to adapt to the impacts of climate change in new and creative ways. This database catalogs what is happening so we can learn from these experiences, share lessons being learned, discover how to better assist municipalities, and promote collaboration. RAINE provides information about actions at the state, regional or local level. It not only includes links to web pages, reports and plans but also examples of presentations that communities use to engage their citizens, what tools they used to identify their vulnerabilities and who funded their projects.

The results from RAINE include:

  • Quick maps
  • Graphs of top ten topics, impacts, partners, tools and funding that are found in the database
  • Lists of states, municipalities, organizations or waters that meet your search criteria, these can be downloaded into an excel spreadsheet
  • Links to the products or plans
  • Reports for each state, municipality, organization or water body of interest and detailed reports with information about a specific document or product
  • Spotlights that highlight unique adaptation and resilience efforts

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How RAINE can be used

Communities can use the RAINE database to share what they have done and learn from others. They can find examples of products and plans and read about what neighboring communities are doing to be resilient and adapt for climate change.

Planning agencies can identify where work has been conducted and where gaps may exist. The database can be used to target vulnerable areas that have yet to plan for climate change.

The database can be used to support collaboration. Communities can see how plans and products have been funded and who has partnered on different resilience and adaptation projects.

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Commonly asked questions about the database

  • How do you define 'community'?
  • How do I use the search function?
  • What happens if my search yields no results?
  • How do I search to find out if information about my community is included in the database?
  • What is the source of the data for RAINE?
  • How did we identify communities entered into the database?
  • What is a "spotlight"?
  • Can I print and/or save the reports generated?
  • How are we updating the information?

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Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE)