New Bedford Harbor

Draft Final Water Quality Monitoring Summary Report, 2014 Remedial Dredging, OU1, April 2015

In 2014, remediation activities at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site included hydraulic dredging to remove polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment in dredge areas O, L, P, R, and S. Water quality monitoring was performed during remediation activities to limit the extent of water quality impacts resulting from dredging operations. Monitoring data were collected and provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and dredging contractors so that operational adjustments could be made as needed to limit the dispersal of suspended sediments and their associated contaminants, and to limit the extent of biological impacts to the water column. A secondary objective was to ensure that anadromous fish and wildlife were able to successfully navigate through or around dredging operations on their natural migratory paths in the Acushnet River. This report presents key findings from the water quality monitoring performed during the 2014 remediation activities.

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