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New Bedford Harbor

2014 Long Term Monitoring Survey VI: Final Summary Report, September 2015

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 and United States Army Corps of Engineers New England District (USACE NAE) have been collecting long-term monitoring (LTM) data at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site (site) since 1993 to quantify the long-term environmental effects and effectiveness of remediation efforts in the harbor. This report presents data collected for the sixth round of the LTM (LTM VI) performed at the site in 2014. Sediment grabs were collected for chemical and physical testing as well as benthic community analysis to assess sediment conditions. Surficial sediment (top 2 centimeter [cm]) was analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), total organic carbon (TOC) content and grain size distribution. Sediments from the biologically-active zone (top 10 cm) were analyzed for benthic infauna and grain size. These data will be evaluated by EPA in the context of the broader LTM program (1993 to 2014) to assess spatial and temporal trends in the data and the effects and/or effectiveness of the remedial activities.

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