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EPA for Businesses and Non-Profits

Understand and comply with environmental laws and regulations - Learn about industry and government sector-based activities, tools and technical assistance designed to help you understand and meet your obligations under environmental laws and regulations

Protect the environment in your workplace - Information about preventing pollution in the workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues.

Natural Disasters: Links and suggestions for planning ahead to help reduce cleanup costs and risks of contamination after natural events.

Contracting with EPA (acquisition management) - Learn about opportunities to win contracts to support EPA's mission, and about acquisition regulations and policies.

Grants and Fellowship Information - Through grants, we promote projects ranging from scientific studies to community cleanups.

Search for and Comment on Regulations - Our proposed regulations are almost always open to the public for comment. Your participation leads to better regulations.

Information from Specific EPA Programs

Agriculture - View information about environmental stewardship on farms and ranches, and about reducing pollution and making good use of the latest pollution prevention technologies.

Energy Star for Business - The buildings where we work, shop, play and learn account for nearly half the nation's energy use. Explore the ENERGY STAR site and find tools and resources to help businesses and organizations save energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

Corporate Climate Leadership - EPA's Center for Corporate Climate Leadership serves as a virtual resource center to encourage companies to identify and achieve cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions and with to build their climate leadership activities into their supply chains and beyond.

Become water-efficient and test your WaterSense - Incorporating water-efficiency programs is an effective way for businesses to reduce operating costs by saving on electric power, gas, chemical, and wastewater disposal expenses. By employing water-efficient practices, you can convey an image of stewardship to employees, customers, and the general public because you are helping to conserve water resources for future generations.

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program - TRI is a publicly-available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by certain industries as well as federal facilities.

Safer Choice - The Safer Choice program (formerly Design for the Environment) uses chemical assessment tools and expertise to create safer and more efficient chemical materials, processes and technologies. Safer Choice focuses on industries that combine the potential for chemical risk reduction and improvements in energy efficiency with a strong motivation to make lasting, positive changes.

Developing Risk Management Plans - The Clean Air Act requires facilities that produce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals to develop a risk management program, prepare a Risk Management Plan (RMP), and submit the RMP to EPA. Learn how to prepare and submit an RMP, and how to access and review RMP information.

Superfund - Information for businesses: legislation and regulations, compliance and enforcement, databases and software, contracts and more.

Ozone Layer Depletion - information for companies that use or manufacture ozone-depleting substances and their substitutes, including information about the CFC phaseout, ozone-related regulations and the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program.