Ground Water and Drinking Water

Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Federal Reporting Services

Welcome to the SDWIS Fed Reporting Services system.  This system offers the capability to query the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Fed Data Warehouse via report filters and various reporting options. 

Data management plays a critical role in helping states and EPA to protect public health. The term "states" refers to any entity with primacy under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to implement and enforce national drinking water regulations.  States supervise the public water systems within their jurisdictions to ensure that each system meets state and EPA standards for safe drinking water. 

The Safe Drinking Water Act requires states to report drinking water information periodically to EPA. This information is maintained in a federal database, the SDWIS Fed Data Warehouse.

What information is included in the SDWIS Fed Data Warehouse?

States report the following information to EPA: 

  • Basic information about each public water system, including:
    • the system's name
    • ID number
    • city or county served
    • number of people served
    • type of system (residential, transient, non-transient)
    • whether the system operates year-round or seasonally
    • characteristics of the system's source(s) of water
  • Violation information for each public water system, including whether the system has:
    • failed to follow established monitoring and reporting schedules
    • failed to comply with mandated treatment techniques
    • violated any Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
    • failed to communicate required information to their customers
  • Enforcement information, including actions states or EPA have taken to ensure that a public water system returns to compliance if it is in violation of a drinking water regulation