Ground Water and Drinking Water
- January 12, 2017 - EPA initiates a Peer Review for Lead Modeling
- January 11, 2017- EPA releases drinking water Protective Action Guide.
- January 5, 2017 - EPA publishes proposed regulations for implementing section 1417 of SDWA.
- December 21, 2016 - EPA announces the results of Six Year 3.
- December 9, 2016 - EPA releases the final UCMR4.
- November 30, 2016 - EPA releases a National Drinking Water Action Plan.
- November 17, 2016 - EPA finalizes CCL4.
Other Drinking Water Topics
- Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water
- Distribution Systems
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water Needs Survey
- Lead in Drinking Water
- National Contaminant Occurrence Database
- National Drinking Water Advisory Council
- Protecting Underground Sources of DW from Underground Injection
- Sole Source Aquifers
- Water System Partnerships